Reviews for Second Chance
CidAngel'sTears chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
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Baow chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
Wow, nice.
icanhascamaro chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
I love Spidey! So sweet. I felt the same kind of disgust when lil Nokia-bot was so thoughtlessly destroyed. Thanks for giving the little guy his own story!
kirallie chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
So cute!
2ScarletRibbons chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt bad for the little Nokia. It's nice that someone made a fic for him, and partially the other little bots before him. Although I kinda wanted to cry when Ratchet said Spidey wouldn't be normal in the sense of other intelligent mechs. But it was nice knowing he was learning to work around those handicaps, we all do what we have to to survive and move on.
Peya Luna chapter 1 . 4/22/2010
absolutely awesome! i always felt sorry for the little bot - and sick to my stomach thinking about how many basically newborns they slaughtered 'for the sake of science'
Steven Kodaly chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
/Off-key Singing/



Does whatever a Spiderphone can!

Cheesy songs aside, I like what you've done with Nokiabot, here.
Amarin Rose chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
Obviously this was written before the second movie came out... I just saw it, and thought it was rather fitting that Simmons got to prove himself. He was way overzealous about 'protecting his country' but getting fired and everything taught him some humility. And I'm glad you saved the Nokiabot! I think even Simmons would be pleased.
Birdgirl204 chapter 1 . 4/17/2009
Nicole Silverwolf chapter 1 . 4/6/2009
I'm a big fan of your Imperfections verse fics. This one in particular always caught my eye, perhaps because it has a very rewarding finish to it. Not everything is completely better, but that's alright. Things are heading towards better. I look forward to seeing more in this entire universe you've created...I know it's gonna be great!
FireFly92 chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
Now I want a Nokiabot... XD this was awesome! I'm glad the li'l guy lived! - I thought he was adorable in the movie, now I love him even more!
Dream's Abyss chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
Spidey is so cute! For some reason I kept having Frenzy like chatter going through my head when Spidey was supposed to be talking.
sadisticb00gers-Modus Pwnage chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
CUTE! *squealing galore* aww...
KingofLoosePages chapter 1 . 3/18/2008
Wow, I haven't seen a story about the Nokiabot, this is really good!

SithelfJen chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
That was so cute.
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