Reviews for Unexpected Proposal
Sonic Thunder Saiyan Turtle chapter 1 . 5/31/2017
Please, continue this.
random103 chapter 1 . 12/1/2014
Nice! But please don't end on a cliffhanger.
Lucyole chapter 1 . 3/14/2011
poor krillin he is such an good guy and don't deserve it to be

pushed around and chichi is not better but i like her

she love goku more than anything and would never think about

something like that but she was a little bit to mean to krillin

and gohan was cute how he say that she not could lost her

hope that goku maybe one day come back home and find

that his wife is not longer his wife but he is dead

but he and she doesnt want to admitt is that is so sad.

your story si really good and i hope you upload the rest of it i want to know what happend next. thanks
tokyo fox chapter 1 . 9/20/2008
I give you kudos for being the first to try a Krillan/Chi-Chi pairing even if did come out a bit whimpy in my opinon but Gohan's reaction was very realistic but I don't think Chi-Chi would concider it unless sge was sure Goku was dead or not coming back and it would be intresting to see andriod 18 enter this little melodrama...
proud yusuke fan chapter 1 . 12/2/2007
Hmm interesting. Im definately gonna keep reading please update soon.
Captain Deadpool chapter 1 . 10/23/2007
Ah, a groundbreaker. Dare to be different! As far as the writing goes, it goes a bit slow in places, but it could be worse. Keep up the good work!
PhantomBlend chapter 1 . 9/21/2007
damn, I sure hope this get's updated

It's actually very good

one of my favorites
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2007
I wonder, if they DO wed, what happens WHEN Goku comes back?
Wait-For-Sleep chapter 1 . 9/3/2007
First I want to say:

Hell YES. Go me for my awesome beta services.

Then I want to say:

How damn PROUD I was that you asked me to beta read this for you, and this is a bloody excellent storyline and idea. The way you sort of like, set it's hard to explain, but there's just something about the way you write that makes it like "MUST READ NEXT LINE" that sorta thing, for ALL of your fics actually.

BUT there's something I'm not sure of! I think you might have already told me but...

Will the fantastical Goku come back anytime soon? :D


When you're ready, send me the next chapter, I'll beta it, send it through a shitload of PMs again and you can update and give everyone the joy of reading :3





Heihachi: For the last frickin time...-vein appears- I AM NOT CALLED KAKAROT!

Frieza: Oh, yeah, sorry.

Heihachi: Anyway, I have THE PERFECT PLAN.

Frieza: To get my ship thing back from those fools?

Heihachi: Well...when we get it back, it's MY ship thing too. Deal?

Frieza: Hell no!

Heihachi: Worth a shot...ah, what if I give you unlimited supplies of peanut butter?

Frieza: DEAL.

He may have signed up for unlimited supplies of peanut butter, but little did Frieza was MOULDY peanut butter, carefully scratched off of Heihachi's arms and moustache. Yes, the peanut butter that even HWOARANG could not eat.

What will happen next? Will our heroes come face to face with the villains? Find out next time on...

Kap, what are we gonna call this thing? :/

Yes, find out next time on _!
Krillin Fan chapter 1 . 9/2/2007


VERY sad!

That's really all I can say at the moment. Well, other than the fact that I wouldn't say she said no. It's a possibility, but another is a yes, followed by the announcemet that Goku was, in fact, still alive.

And y'know, I wouldn't really put it past Bulma to try to wish Goku back not so much to have him back, but to keep those two apart. Frankly, she's spoiled enough to do that at this point in the storyline.

Anyways, good job. Hope you can find something happy to write soon, though. Otherwise I may start bawling...
Warrior from beyond chapter 1 . 9/2/2007
cool. please write more
Farios chapter 1 . 9/2/2007
hey I think it would be a really interesting story if Krillin and chi Chi did wed, but then 18 came into the picture... what would Krillin do then, huh? lol, great opening though, loved it.