Reviews for Cosmic Storm
The anomalous chapter 7 . 4/10/2018
Great story! And I'm so pleased it was completed enough that I feel like there's closure! The story line was really gripping and so nice to read an original idea! The characters were well written too and I really appreciated that you wrote about the other side of Johnny that we rarely see - the kind, caring, compassionate and thoughtful side. The three speeches he made to each of his team mates had me tearing up, they were so heartfelt and lovely!
Great work and thanks for the story!
Anolirak chapter 7 . 7/29/2017
Hey there! I've just read your fanfic and I must admit that I'm impressed. Your description of Gorgun is detailed enough for the readers to understand what it is, what it does... Thanks to that knowledge it was easy for me to work alongside Reed to find a way to save the world. I figured at the beginning that Johnny is their only option but I didn't know what to do about the lack of oxygen in space. Your solution to that was brilliant. Apart for the plot I also like your writing style. The pacing, descriptions, dialogues... It is on a good level. Of course, there is room for improvement (there always is). Don't take the wrong way though! You have a great potential! I just think you'd just be amazed by how much you could improve your fic by rewriting it word by word (on your computer or by hand). But I think that the scenes where Johnny tells everyone goodbye are my favourites. You show the "serious" side of Johnny in such a way... It's absolutely incredible. I think the heart-to-heart with Ben was the best. You have explained so much in such a simple conversation... I absolutely loved it! (Especially the part when Johnny explains why jokes of Ben's appearance so much). So basically I have only one thing to say: good job. And continue writing.
Deleted Account 23456765432 chapter 2 . 3/5/2017
Axkkx chapter 7 . 9/18/2015
Tu historia es increíble Goody-Goodie, me gusto mucho; Ahora tengo una pregunta, tu por casualidad ¿leíste el ultimo libro de harry potter?
PD: escribí bien la pregunta en ingles, es que soy venezolana así que hablo español y aunque he visto ingles como por los últimos 10 años; suelo equivocarme mucho en la lengua
JustASomewhatNormalKid chapter 7 . 8/28/2015
Pls review. I cried through most of the book. And I REALLY want to know what happens. Pls.
doctorcatangel chapter 7 . 8/12/2015
that was a really good fanfiction... great job:)
A reader chapter 7 . 7/31/2015
Update this story! It's brilliant and a shame I'm reading it a few years too late.
AcountDeactivatex chapter 7 . 4/19/2014
One word: A-MAZ-ING! Such a good story with a great plot; can't wait for any other stories!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/25/2013
Plz finish this! Write the epilogue! Please please please!
usa123 chapter 7 . 1/19/2013
I know its almost been a year since you've updated but I hope you plan on finishing this story. It is easily one of the best on the site.
forgetmenotjimmy chapter 7 . 5/28/2012
Fantastic fic! Loved Johnny's maturing and his epicness, great!

Nancyl chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
Hey! I didn't read this story, I just wanted to ask you plz to care to finish another Fringe story you've abandoned a while ago called Trust. an ending, however you choose to do it, should be fine. Plz.
Otterpuke chapter 7 . 12/23/2011
Brilliant story. And yeah it wasnt long theyve brought johnny back. XD marvel cant stick to their guns
LOTR chapter 7 . 12/20/2011
Please update LOTR fanfic 'Overcoming Darkness'! You've got many readers there, and that includes me!
DammitimmaD chapter 7 . 10/11/2011
:) Brilliant story! :D Please update soon!
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