Reviews for The Best Kept Secret of Seireitei
The Jingo chapter 66 . 9/25/2015
*blinks at*

This had a little bit of everything in it, though I'm not really satisfied with the ending. Relationships are about compromising. You can't have everything you want in them, and it kind of feels like Kya got to have her cake and eat it too. Not having to change anything about her own lifestyle, but still able to just show up whenever she wants for a bit of hanky panky with Byakuya before leaving again.

Ultimately, that would breed resentment on his part. Trapped in between the obligations he was born into, the duties to the Seireitei that he accepted and can't put down according to his morals, the sterile isolation of his life and the constant hushed solitude broken only when he's called on to pony up and entertain on someone else's schedule... I can't see him not getting bitter over that.

Yes, much of Byakuya's life is lived in a steel prison that he built himself, but human emotions aren't that logical and it's far easier to withdraw from others and nurse your own poison when you feel hurt. Perhaps it wouldn't be immediate - he might simply be caught up in the relief of having someone around for a few days a year after a century of no contact - but Byakuya isn't the poster child for low self-esteem. He's not going to be satisfied by irregular crumbs of affection here and there.

Other than the rant on the ending, it was a good read.
123 chapter 66 . 7/28/2013
I loved the ending!
Ur fanfic is awesome!
*i would like but i don't have an account so this review counts as a like*
Can't wait to read ur next fanfic of Gin!
123 chapter 62 . 7/28/2013
I love how specific and realistic you make ur fanfic!
123 chapter 4 . 7/26/2013
I love the story so far!
Ethyrin Kairos chapter 67 . 12/28/2012
Darn too awesome
colouredred chapter 2 . 11/16/2012
I love the story so far! And I had to say this now rather than later, because those last five lines just made my day...well, technically night, but anyway, good job :)
Frostfire613 chapter 66 . 9/22/2011
lol this was really funny, couldn;t stop laughing.
KillingTheSilence chapter 53 . 9/1/2011
Nice chap.

I can get on your DA account now. I must say, you can draw very good. I draw, but I can't draw humans and I have to be looking at something to draw it.

Once again, nice chap and very nice artwork.
KillingTheSilence chapter 50 . 9/1/2011
Wow... Way to ruin a little kids mind.

Nice chap
KillingTheSilence chapter 43 . 8/31/2011
Your randomness makes me laugh.

KillingTheSilence chapter 42 . 8/31/2011
Who the bloody hell would want a dog biscuit?

And yes, even though I'm American I say bloody. To hell with America, Obama ruined it -_-

Once again, nice chap
KillingTheSilence chapter 41 . 8/31/2011
13?...Oh-Kay than I have no words for that.

Nice chap.
Cazminx chapter 66 . 7/24/2011
OMG! This story was sooo awesome. I read it whenever I could for the last three days! You are a really good writer!
M O V E D . O A O chapter 60 . 7/23/2011
I was so serious reading this... that's when also I cracked up laughing at the end of the story XD
M O V E D . O A O chapter 59 . 7/23/2011
This chapter... was a serious chapter but... Your sense of humor is perfectly used in the perfect timing!

this is such an awesome story XD
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