Reviews for A Series of Tales Full of Hilariousness
DeadFFNetAccount chapter 13 . 1/1/2013
I pretty much gave up on stories like this but you kept my attention through out it
As for chapter 13: bill nye the science guy: I also forced to watch in science class a few years back...
SpiceChaiPrincessOfDoom chapter 27 . 4/3/2009
ah, yes, very evil and lazy and neglectful.

but it was a really good chapter...

be sure to keep updating! and actually , even if you don't update for a while, i still really love this story!
YayForIshida chapter 27 . 4/2/2009
Aw even though it has been ages I still love you XD This was AWESOME! I love it! It's so funny! Like how Spoonman (Nnoitra) was like ':0! Really? Sympathy?' That made me LOL so much! And This bit:

The blond boy frowned, tossing his fringe out of his eye, only to have it flop back in place.

I do that all the time! Emo fringes are annoying, but awesome! And it's cute/hot when emo boys flick their fringe ... XD Anywhoo... I'm so glad this has been updated and can't wait for the next chappie So yeah.. -thumbs up-
0mohni0 chapter 27 . 4/2/2009
...Well. It took you quite a long time to update.

Gin pwns. XD
Madame Hearts chapter 27 . 4/2/2009
wow an update! *le gasp le swoon* you're alive! lol nice chapter
Noaccountherr1337 chapter 4 . 1/5/2009

It's CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE! Not Charlie Marlow. My poor poor evil dead influence! Can't you let him rest in peace?

Er...nice fic...I'll stop being dumb now...

I don't like some of the language and stuff, but I won't deny, this IS funny.
Akkalia chapter 24 . 11/22/2008
Damn it Ishida dump his cheating ass
Akkalia chapter 18 . 11/22/2008
I WAS wondering if Tatsuki would show up...
Akkalia chapter 14 . 11/20/2008
Fuck Ichigo is a slut! He is worse than Renji. Stop fucking with my Ishida's feeling you heartless basterd!
Akkalia chapter 13 . 11/20/2008
Imogen Hemp is the shit! I love 'Just for Now' but 'Hide and Seek' is ok too
Akkalia chapter 5 . 11/20/2008
Gezz is any couple here monogamous?
0mohni0 chapter 5 . 9/24/2008
Wow...crackness galore...
Aoki-The-Hedgehog chapter 26 . 9/23/2008
OMFG Where has this story been all my life? xD This is one of the greatest fanfics of Bleach I've ever read that had a good plot and is funny at the same time, I even read the really disgusting joke one at your livejournal to figure out what happened in that chapter!

Other than that, I'm so happy you're back from a hiatus, it sucks about your computer problem, and I really hope you make a new chapter soon. Keep making good stories RadicalEd57! :D
0928soubi at chapter 23 . 9/17/2008
Oh, 'tis MADE of win. EPIC win.
0928soubi at chapter 22 . 9/17/2008
In Japan they have peanut brittle made with real peanut butter...

At the beginning, ya've got two author's notes, dear.
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