Reviews for The Stairs
Chatte578 chapter 9 . 3/12/2011
aw the end was sweet brocks the other half of her soul the end made me smile, forgive my french but kevin is a dick head for treating a wonderful women such as reba like that im glad brock is protecting her its so sweet how hes her heros:) good story.
damselNdistess chapter 1 . 8/31/2007
What is going on with All the Reba episodes have been deleted! Someone do something, PLEASE!
Lost in Day Dreams chapter 9 . 8/30/2007
Aw, yay! That was such a sweet ending! I'm glad things were finally resolved with Kevin and that they all lived happily ever after. Bravo! This story was great and I hope to see another one from you real soon! Great job!
Spooky Fox 1993 chapter 9 . 8/30/2007
Shining Friendship chapter 9 . 8/30/2007
Gotta love the happy ending. _ Thanks for posting your story!
lilmissreba chapter 9 . 8/30/2007
aw... great job!
tova77f chapter 8 . 8/26/2007
you had me worried there for a minute when Kevin showed up at the hospital. Hm...will he give her the divorce easily? Another great chapter and I can't wait to read the next one.
Joanna Rose chapter 8 . 8/25/2007



I was reading this and it was all getting happy and I thought everything was going to be "HunkyDory" as Bj says.



but the ending was a very good transitioning chapter.


Awesome Job!


(I like smiley faves ])
Shining Friendship chapter 8 . 8/25/2007
The ending of this chapter so sweet! Go Brock! Kevin should be put away for like a million years. Lol! Okay, I know that's not possible, but you know what I mean. Update soon!
tova77f chapter 7 . 8/22/2007
another great chapter and Kevin definitely got what he deserved. Hope that means he won't make anymore trouble for Reba. Can't wait for the update!
Lost in Day Dreams chapter 7 . 8/22/2007
Finally, somebody hit Kevin with something! Yay! He's such a jerk, I hope he's gone for good soon! Anyway, you're doing a great job with these chapters! Please keep em coming!
Shining Friendship chapter 7 . 8/22/2007
Go Barbara Jean! It's about time somebody hit Kevin in the head. Lol. Thanks for updating so soon. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
lilmissreba chapter 7 . 8/22/2007
MORE! that was awsome... great job! poor reba!
HM SMK JAG chapter 7 . 8/21/2007
This is a great story. I think the detail and emotion in it is wondergful. Please continue.
Lost in Day Dreams chapter 6 . 8/20/2007
Aww yay! Reba and Brock together again! How awesome! But still poor Reba. Kevin is the spawn of the devil! I hope he gets whats coming to him real soon! Great job!
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