Reviews for The Bitter End
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
Dude I can't put into words how great. Sooooooooo.
Sam Marsh chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Your writing style is absolutely fantastic. You're clearly a very talented writer. Great job on this. My only complaint would be that there wasn't enough Stan/Kyle action! But that was probably the point, huh? Your stories are very artistic, and that's unique and refreshing, so good job.
Allurite chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
;A; I swear, this is the only piece of writing in YEARS that has made me cry...I want to say something but I'm at a loss for words...
notactive616 chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
Wow your an amazing writer
Lilchicky004 chapter 1 . 12/19/2007
I know it's been a while since you posted this, but I only just finished reading it. And I think you've done a fine, FINE job. This is Too good for words.

Well, if you're worried about getting something out of your writing, you should know that *I* sure got something out of your writing, so that should count for a little something.

Errgh, my review is totally going to fall short compared to this magical piece of writing and story structure. I don't think I can praise you enough for how incredible this is.

The emotions it evoked, the way everything came together full circle, the descriptive imagery, the flow and development of the story, everything. It's just all so good.

I just love this so much, because I can totally relate to the situation. I'm basically like Kyle, currently, and I have a Stan just like the one here. And this fic, I feel, helps me alot. So thank you.

Wonderful, wonderful writing.
Angelgreen65 chapter 1 . 10/15/2007
I like this. It was deep and I liked the words that Kyle said at the end, those were some insightful words.
SPfan21 chapter 1 . 8/17/2007
wow i really really REALLY liked this story! its going on my favorites for sure!
Barbara chapter 1 . 8/15/2007
that was a beautiful story i loved the ending. Please write more
cjmarie chapter 1 . 8/15/2007
One: I can't decide whether that was a happy ending, a sad one, or whether I was just listening to the wrong music. Word to the wise - don't read this shot listening to Assemblage 23...

Two: proved you wrong XD - dedications are like bribes to me. Though I gotta wonder how I'm the first friend off the site cos you joined this like 2 years before me. Still touching though

Three: coupla typos, but nothing to distract from the story. I probably only noticed cos one of my GW reviewers has got me into serious proofreading habits.

Four: I'm guessing the title and somewhat wording was based off Placebo's The Bitter End - if not, that's creepily close. And that's an awesome song. Win-win situation.

Five: straight Kenny? W00t! (Even though I am guilty of gay!Kenny myself)

Six: I do like the way you've captured Kyle. You write him the best out of the four, I think, because the intellectual way you tend to write fits very well with what we know about Kyle's own intelligence (c'mon, who can actually convince his own body to react to 'I think therefore I am'?)

Seven: this review is getting too long.

Eight: I thought where Kyle was doing that whole I-don't-love-him bit was a touch late - shoulda been a bit higher when he was saying he'd figured out he loved Stan.

Nine: the colour imagery at the very beginning, and at the start of the final section, was lovely.

Ten: I loved the idea of a beginning having an epilogue and being the same as the end. They should stuff that in Doctor Who to confuse the masses cos it's awesome.

Eleven: the ending was incredible. Left room for questions such as what happened to produce that sort of open-ended answer as though Stan was never going to hear it, or it didn't matter anymore, or why he felt the need to ask the question in the first place, but also that those questions weren't necessary to end the shot.

All in all?

Fucking awesome, dude.
Ren85 chapter 1 . 8/15/2007
Wow. First of all, let me just say that I am really touched that you'd dedicate this in part to me. I always sorta felt like an outsider here, because you were all such tight-knit friends, but you guys have all been really nice to me, you especially. Thanks for being so awesome and inspiring.

Secondly, this story is absolutely beautiful. I love the way it ends, the inspiration and tenacity it has mixed with the finality of it all. I hope I'm even making a little bit of sense here. Both Stan and Kyle were written really well, and I thought all of the story, but especially the dialogue flowed really well.

A job very, very well done, sir. Bravo.
This story is DEFINITELY my favorite. Of all time! (I'm seriouslah.)

The reason I keep reading your writing is because you have a way of keeping readers interested in the story. XP I can barely even write...

I like the way you portray the boys. Like Phoenix II said, Kenny is being WAY abused in fanfics (or fandom in general, admit it). And Stan was too cute! I think that Kyle really IS one of the smartest characters in all of South Park, so (I think) the way he thinks in this is very in-character.

Also, about what Phoenix II said about wrestling with your crush... is totally true. My best friend and I used to do that once, then we became all awkward and stopped talking to each other (for a while). Now I'm dating her half-brother. .

Anyway, I guess that's it. _ I can't even COMPARE to your other reviewers. _;
Phoenix II chapter 1 . 8/14/2007
The imagery here is amazing, dude.

If there's one thing I really enjoy about your writing, its your imagery. You really let a person SEE what you want them to see.

I like when you get all philosophical in a story. Especially one of your KPOV stories. Because, really, Kyle is one of the smarter ones in the gang, so he'd be more likely to wax philosophical and understand all these concepts, and what goes into his friends' decisions.

God, wrestling with a person you have a crush on would HAVE to go on my list of Top Ten Things Awkward Things You Do NOT Do. Especially if you're a boy. And DOUBLY especially if the person you have a crush on is ALSO a boy. Sure, wrestling is one of the most homoerotic sports there is,'d be kinda hard to explain your "excitement" away when you're THAT close.

If there's one thing I can't get enough of in this fandom, it's totallyaccepting!Stan. Because it's canon. And you really like keeping them as close to canon as possible, so that means you should be happy with THIS aspect of it...

I think Kyle trying to convince himself that he doesn't like Stan like THAT is a little disjointed. I mean, he's admitted that he's gay. He OBVIOUSLY likes boys. That should come sooner if you have to include it. Like up there when he talks about accepting that he was a homosexual.

I absolutely had an "Oh My God!" moment when you revealed that straight!Kenny. That, too, is a rarity in fandom. Most fandom Kennys go one of three ways: 1)Always dead/dying, 2)Bisexual whore, or 3)Gay whore. To find a relatively normal Kenny is relieving.

I like that Stan bought Kyle ice cream to try and cheer him up. Ice cream cures EVERYTHING.

Stan also adds a nice dash of normality. Here we have had Kyle getting all philosophical and contemplational, and then you give us Stan, who approaches the issue much more simply. It's a fairly simple question for Kyle, but ... he sort of skates around it.

He kind of makes up for that though, when he just blurts out the real reason why he doesn't smile anymore. Of course, he ruins it again when he just runs away and retreats to a place he doesn't think Stan will (be able to) follow him. You write a very complicated Kyle. It's like...mood swings, I guess, is the easiest way to describe it. At one point he can't wait to get all this out and off his chest, but then he's all reclusive and doesn't even wanna look at Stan.

A caring Stan! A caring Stan! Also canon, as far as personality! I love caring Stan, even if it usually means Kyle's done something stupid. Which fandom Kyle seems to do often, and I'm guilty of this too, but...caring Stan!

I like the idea of haven attached to Stan and Kyle. How dependent they are on each other, and how their lives are intricately woven. Even Kyle, having to get the last of those insecurities out in the air...

...I'm a little unsure about the ending. It seems sort of like a reflection on an already-lived life from beyond the grave. It reads very close to that, like Kyle's passed on or soon will, and he's leaving this last message to the person he loved. One last "I think I've learned something today." For old time's sake.

...Phew. OK, the marathon is over! Best of luck in school!
kyleisgod chapter 1 . 8/14/2007
You did a VERY decent job! This was very long and very, very deep. Some of the most well thought-out, in-depth SxK I've ever read. Seriously. I hope you won't stop writing (again :P), because I feel like you're only getting better as you go. Yeah you'll eventually have to break away from fanfiction in order to achieve financial success in the field, but who cares? It's still good fun to write and I demand to see an ending to all of you kick-ass stories before you leave us (again). Although I haven't read all of your stuff, I like the majority of what I've seen from you. It's also really cool that you're a straight guy writing gay fanfics by the way. I'll totally support you if and when you get anything sold.

Oh, and speaking of time, don't feel like you have to break away right now either. You're a young guy with a lot of time and you've already proven you can improve and diversify your art. Set goals, but not timetables for yourself. Success will come when it comes, and the truly successful always get what they deserve. I'm confident you'll get what you deserve as a writer. If it's any consolation, the guys who wrote 40 year old virgin, knocked up, and super bad have been writing since 14. Super Bad was actually started when they were 14, and it's just now coming out but damn if they aren't successful, you know? Granted those are screenplays, but my point is still valid IMO.

I'll let brat_child3 know what you had to say, but I can't promise anything beyond that.

Good luck to you.