Reviews for Reminiscent
Song Of Eternity chapter 2 . 9/23/2008
nice. funny too. but you know you keep spelling mischief wrong, right?
werewolfsfan chapter 9 . 11/26/2007
This story is great! Please, please continue ...
werewolfsfan chapter 6 . 11/26/2007
They’re a little clumsy, a little awkward, a little perfect.

This is the most perfectly right description of Remus and Sirius that I have ever read.

I wish I had a better way of saying how great your story is. It is one of the very best.
Queen Red Rum chapter 9 . 11/23/2007
Beautiful story, really, blending the two times together brillantly.

Update, please?
LadyAnalyn chapter 9 . 11/6/2007
Brilliant. I liked the flashback the best, especailly how you explained why Remus and Sirius weren't standing together in the photo. Sorry, it took so long to review but I've been awfully busy. And, I was also excited to hear about Dumbles, now she just needs to out the pups and there will be dancing in the streets.
Bottlebrush chapter 9 . 11/2/2007
Good idea, showing us the beginnings of the Order of the Phoenix, and the taking of the photograph. So that’s why McGonagall wasn’t in it; somebody had to take the picture. It’s really sad – all those people so cheerful and hopeful, and proud and happy to be part of the Resistance, when we know how many will come to a tragic fate, and some of them quite soon. As some readers don’t seem to have caught on to your system of writing an episode from the period of the books, and another from the past, maybe it would help if you wrote just the year at the beginning of each episode.
MoonyIsTheMan chapter 9 . 10/21/2007
Um, I'm confused... If Harry is in his fourth year, then shouldn't Lily and James be dead? Also, doesn't the order meet at Sirius's place?
EachPeachPearPlum chapter 9 . 10/21/2007
sweet. kinda comfusing to begin with, but i think that was just me. a good story, well written.

update soon, pretty please.

Bottlebrush chapter 8 . 10/10/2007
Poor Remus, getting Sirius back then losing him again - it foreshadows the more permanent loss that is coming.

And yes, I would guess that the Wolfsbane had been invented in the first War, but it had bad side effects and wasn't authorised for general use until it had been refined some 14 or so years later.

The last line is something that defines Remus's character, him thinking he is "probably one of the luckiest men in the world". It shows how brave and stoical he is: where most people cursed with his affliction would be thinking how unlucky they had been, Remus thinks instead about what is good in his life. And your Sirius is beautifully in character: clever, witty, but also loving and caring. Maybe Remus really is one of the luckiest men in the world. At least temporarily.
turtlesnake chapter 8 . 10/8/2007
incredible. That's all I can say. Wow
LadyAnalyn chapter 8 . 10/7/2007
Fantastic! I like the foreshadowing with the Sirius sucks at defensive spells thing, even though I really don't want him to die. I also like how you have the wolfsbane in the experimental stage. As for the present, poor Remus, I feel so bad for him that he has to worry so much. Great job with how the present and the flashbacks are connected. Can't wait for the next chapter. TTFN, Lady A
MoonyIsTheMan chapter 8 . 10/6/2007
Very good. :)
cackles the witch chapter 8 . 10/5/2007
Great chapter - not a filler at all.

Just one thing - if I'm not mistaken, according to canon, wolfsbane wasn't around during the first war, it was a recent discovery... not that I'm a stickler for detail, but I'm sure someone else will bring it up and just wanted to let you know.

I really like the tenderness between Sirius and Remus - very sweet. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Korshun chapter 1 . 10/5/2007

They're so cuttee.. Ahh.

Seriously. I love your Sirikins and Remmy quite a bit.

Keep writing those chapters XP
truest-of-true-loves chapter 7 . 10/3/2007
hi! okay so i love this fic, but you need to keep the same tense. i mean, i like the switching from timelines, but in your writing, you use present tense and then randomly use past tense and it makes the flow a bit awkward. i love the fluff and the humor and its a great fic. i can't wait to read more!
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