Reviews for A New Life
Rendezvous Haver chapter 5 . 6/22/2008
I love it! This is well written and Crane's personality is exactly what I hoped fore! Brilliant, well done, kudos! Cherry Street? Wonka! Gonna meet Todd? Fleet Sreet? Update this story.
pumpkinpuss chapter 5 . 8/20/2007
Thank you for the additional insight into Ichabod's earlier life. It helps to understand the character with more clarity when we know of his origins. Well done!
pumpkinpuss chapter 4 . 8/11/2007
It's obvious that you did your homework because I recognized all of the street names you mentioned in this chapter. And although it was nice to read about Ichabod walking through old New York, I could feel his trepidation as he reached the East Side. Once again, you did a nice job with your descriptions. Well done!
pumpkinpuss chapter 3 . 8/8/2007
Your character development is splendid. There's a nice balance here, representing both good and evil, and the interaction is expertly written. I enjoyed your description of young Crane's background also. It filled in the gaps of his early development and subsequent belief system. Now we can finally see where it all started for Ichabod. I am delighted as well as impressed. Well done, my friend!
OTS chapter 3 . 8/6/2007
Why I haven't read nor reviewed this story yet is beyond me! I really love the plot you've created so far, and you've kept Ichabod in character perfectly! I can't wait for you to update!
pumpkinpuss chapter 1 . 8/1/2007
A fine first chapter to what looks to be an interesting tale of Ichabod Crane's new start in the big city. I eagerly await more.