Reviews for Perfection
Luiza chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
That was so cute and fluffy! I luved it!
nameisDooM chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
Fefisgbf13 chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
aww... so cute n_n
Odixeg chapter 1 . 3/21/2009
Wow, awsome, I really love your story, I love this couple; and I dont care about the lengh, its really good, continue writting like that, and thanks XD
DuQaine chapter 1 . 12/28/2008
Fluff! Lurve it XD Live on it XD
Etiema chapter 1 . 12/12/2008
Aw that was so sweet I loved the emotions and romance the way tou put it togther was awesome and well written!:D
Sage of Downtown Hyrule chapter 1 . 8/3/2007
I did see a few mistakes, but you'd probably be able to spot yourself, so I'm not going to lecture you... Mostly because I constantly make mistakes in my writing, and they were small mistakes.

Anyway, you did an amazing job with this. I love the theme of Samus wondering if she deserves Marth because he seems so perfect, until she finds out that he's not perfect, just her prince charming. Ha. Very sweet.

Going on to my faves, BabyG. Forizzle foshizzle my nizzle. XD Okay, remind me to never do that again.

With randomness,

Royal Kenya chapter 1 . 8/2/2007
Yay, now for the only review that truly matters. Hee hee, JK!

I thought this was fairly cute. But I can't say it's one of my top favorite one shots u wrote. I still love that Gallery One and the other Roy/Peach one I remembered. But this is the best Marth/Samus u have written though.

I'm glad Samus found out the truth about Marth's feelings and she can now enjoy her prince charming happily. But jeez..let's face it, the way Marth's displayed who wouldn't say he's Mr. Perfect!

Good work Mz Baby-G!

~*~Royal Kenya~*~
Princess Caroline chapter 1 . 8/1/2007
Aw... Sammy-chan and Marthy-kun! Such a sweet pairing...Keep up the great work!
GinaTheCupcake chapter 1 . 7/30/2007
gosh you write so well! I really like how sweet this is without being too mushy! really pretty!
Baron Tenma chapter 1 . 7/30/2007
i'm so glad that samus inally found love and i like the story
Lupine Volt chapter 1 . 7/30/2007
Sweet! Very nice. I'm a Samarth fan myself, so, naturally, I love this...And that's all I can find to say at the moment. Keep up the good work!