Reviews for Story of My Life
Abyan Khalif chapter 23 . 7/15/2013
Your birthday is on the 7th of December :)! Mine is too and so is Lyrae . The story is really awesome happy 17 th birthday ! I'm gonna go back to reading . I only wanted to wish you a happy birthday and I got really excited because of your birthday so yeah :)!
tessastarchild chapter 10 . 2/19/2013
Also it took me about 30 seconds to find it haha
tessastarchild chapter 9 . 2/19/2013
Late review but mayon means the black god
akagami hime chan chapter 25 . 10/26/2012
OH MY FRIKKING GOD. I thought there was no second part and i was like "wth, this awesome fic ends like that?"
Anyway, i'll read the second part because i've loved this story :)
Aria657 chapter 25 . 8/16/2010
I liked it, and I love her brother Kay! Great job, I just wish you'd continue the sequel.
vamp-girl095 chapter 25 . 2/4/2010
The first thing I would like to say, before I continue, is that this is nowhere near fair for them.

It is realistic, it could really happen to someone, life is a really weird thing. But, how can her father want this for her?

I thought that parents want the best for their children, and marrying your youngest daughter to one of the future Death Eaters is NOT an idea of good by any sane man or woman.

But despite all of that, I really liked this. The more chapters I read the feeling of them being perfect for each other grew stronger. I am looking forward to more stories like this from you...
drtrujegusiloe chapter 25 . 7/14/2009
Nå er jeg ferdig med å lese historien, og jeg likte den veldig godt :D

Jeg ser at det er en stund siden sist du var innlogger så du har sikkert sluttet med fanfiction, men det er alikevel godt å møte norske forfattere med litt ferdigheter :)

Denne historien skal legges til favititter (!)
drtrujegusiloe chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
Hei, leste nettop første kapittel av historien din. Så langt er liker jeg det veldig godt.

(håper foresten det er greit at jeg skriver på norsk...)

Jeg har veldig lyst til å lese videre, men er litt for trøtt akkurat nå.

Du imponerer meg virkelig; dette var så morsomt :D
whatifx chapter 1 . 4/4/2009
Interesting so far!ill keep reading!
pingpie chapter 25 . 8/5/2008
T_T So sad!This story was like Romeo and a wasn't any fake-dying and then real dying,and their parents didn't hate each other,and they talked with modern day english,and so ,it was romantic and cute!
snitch-bewitch chapter 2 . 7/31/2008
WRITE IT BETTER? *Gasps in shock* I don't think that's possible! I love your story! Keep up the good work )
Dr. Harleen Quinzel03 chapter 25 . 7/29/2008
OMG! I totally love this story! I love her name! You have to tell me where you got those names! Well I have to go read the sequel! YAY!

~Cho Raven Black:D~
smiley011095 chapter 8 . 4/21/2008
it's actually kinda obvious mayon is sirius.
The Brain who reads 24-7 chapter 25 . 2/6/2008
Great story! Can't wait for the sequeal! :D
The Brain who reads 24-7 chapter 17 . 2/6/2008
I love this story! Usually I wait to review at the end, but I had to answer the question at the bottom of the AN.

"Can you imagine what would happen if she actually asked that question?"

Yes. There would be no more BATMAN! Nananananananananana BATMAN! :D
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