Reviews for Herbert's Tale
Wonderland's-Pokemon-Master chapter 1 . 11/2/2007
loltastic! keep up the klness!

"No, nothing like that - we look like total prats trying to swim."

bluesonicscrew chapter 1 . 7/30/2007
HAHA! Loved it! Can't wait for what u wrote next since I've read all of your Boosh fics :P Coz I'm sad like that u see :)
FallenArcana chapter 1 . 7/26/2007
Hahaha poor Herbert! I loved this and I'm a huge fan of the Tara series! I'm really sorry if I haven't reviewed before, these are bloody amazing!
cookiemunster chapter 1 . 7/24/2007
so i guess you already know i love this but i have to tell you again. I love this! It's so cute (and kinda sad at the end poor herbert... maybe he could be resurrected?) I think your writing style has matured a lot over the time I've been reading your stuff and that your comic timing is absolutely spot on. I'm extremly proud to have such a talented writer as a friend and a fifties wife. loads of love hannah x
chugirl2526 chapter 1 . 7/24/2007
lol brilliant, so funny. herbert the dust bunny of doom lol and vince being a lazy sod, reminds me of me. maybe me and vince have got some things in common? lol
Helen chapter 1 . 7/24/2007
That was a nice story, nice to see them all getting on and typical of Vince to shirk his responsibilities. Good old Bollo saved the day again!