Reviews for I wont Say I'm in love
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
your fucked up bitch!
SasuSakuGrayZaUsuMisa chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
All I can say is... KYA KYA KYA KYA KYA KYA KYA KYA! MaiKo FTW!
maiko9778 chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Hey I love this story! Its dang sweet... I want to scream...
jsin52mlucy chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
i luv it. you did such a great job
RnJ chapter 1 . 3/11/2009
Hey, I read your reviews and I have to agree with Azula not having a mind. I also agree with snakeboy33 when he says you should continue the story. But I loved it. It was great. And I liked the part when Zuko said he can't believe the Fire Lord is in love with her. Great!

snakeboy33 chapter 1 . 7/20/2008
I must say, you are an interesting author, continue a little more, show the wedding, and maybe even the next heir to the Fire Nation throne.
InvalidAcctNo107773749 chapter 1 . 9/25/2007
It's good, but you portrayed Zuko as a bit too happy in personality wise. He doesn't grin. EVER. lol, you did a great job though, combining the song from Hercules with the story line. It was very original. Keep writing, because it was great for your first Avatar fic. If anything, you could've made Zuko drag out the fact that he loved her slower, make him tease Mai and everything, that would make it a lot more Zuko-ish. Great job! Keep writing! PEACE!

AnnaRinzler chapter 1 . 7/28/2007
Okay, I have a problem with your second line. Azula has a disorder known as Anti-social personality disorder. As such, she has a chemical imbalance in her brain that makes it IMPOSSIBLE for her to feel emotions like sadness, sympathy, love, etc. You could kill her off, though, and make the story more believeable.
raven-shadowsong3 chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
Nice! Hope you'll write more Maiko fics -