Reviews for Summer Attire
AnimeDomo chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
This was incredibly cute! A perfect fic for my first day of summer. : )

Would you mind if I wrote a short fic where they do go steal Roxas' sandals? xDDD
witchesdiner chapter 1 . 6/15/2008
I love this. I really like the way you write the Twilight Town group.
Riske chapter 1 . 4/13/2008
i say Roxas would steel them back

Roxas: i'm not a thief

me: yes you are

Roxas: prove it

me: i have no prove yetbut i will prove it...ROXY!

Roxas: that's Roxas to you]

me: see you have the attitude of a theif you must be a theif

Roxas: ohh just shut up!

me: hey i'm the one who should be the last one to talk

Roxas: whatever

me: I SAID I'M THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE LAST ONE TO TALK! idiot. that's right move along not that i'll miss you or anything

5 minuts later

me: oh Roxas i miss you

Roxas: and there you said you won't how pethetic

me: i'll ignore the insult anyway where were you

Roxas: in the w.c why

me: i thought you left the place

Roxas: why it's my house after all

ah sorry if the conversation was a nusence but i got the habbet of writing the things stored in my mined sorry again if i was a nusence
Dirtberry chapter 1 . 8/23/2007
AND I LOVE YOU FOREVER for writing such an awesome twilight town fic. to be honest, i haven't been in the kh fandom for a LONG TIME (2 months estimated.. that long, isn't it? grins.) and reading this fic sort of started me out on the path of crazy haynerroxasfriendshippy! fix again to a crippling extent. (juts a finger in your direction) your fault. eheh, not like i really mind. huggles.

thank you for this enjoyable read. Loved the friendshippy dynamics between Hayner and Roxas - totally put a smile on my face, and the small little moment where Olette leant against Hayner's shoulder honestly made me grin like a maniac. And Roxas' taunt towards Hayner about being "best friends" topped it all off.


loved this fic, not like you don't know it already.

haynerroxasfriendshippy makes the world go round.
Couture.Kisses chapter 1 . 7/18/2007
haha that was too adorably cute and funny! hilarious i should say especially when they all fell in the fountain.

OOH..what did roxas steal from them?

BlueChihuahuaCrimsonFlame chapter 1 . 7/12/2007
that was soo cute

go roxas!

although he probably looked a little weird in sandals AND shorts :P
ohmanthisisweird chapter 1 . 7/11/2007

*fans head*

Gah! Houston sucks right now! XD


Im so going to eneter that contest
twilightwrites chapter 1 . 7/10/2007
LOL! That was so funny!

"Roxas, however, was somehow lucky enough to not get splashed. He took the time to lean his head back and howl with laughter. And even when they pulled him in, and they were all yelled at by security for tracking water in to every store they went in to, Roxas could laugh because he wasn’t as wet as the others."
pinkaffinity chapter 1 . 7/9/2007
omg this was really cute and funny.

man, Roxas was the smart one to wear the sandals. Geez-

ha- they fell in. :3

omg loved this line- "Friends don’t learn from each other, they help each other do stupid things. Like sneaking in to another friends house and stealing their sandals."

that was awesome.

and Roxy got them back.

Thanks for the entry~