Reviews for The Office Special: Jim's Date
amd5551 chapter 5 . 2/19/2016
you did a great job in representing each character i think lol. i loved it.
amd5551 chapter 4 . 2/19/2016
LOL i love your writing lol
great gospel chapter 4 . 9/18/2014
This was great! Your dialogue and storytelling were just like out of the show. I loved it.
Kristina chapter 5 . 10/8/2012
Hey- just wanted to let you know that I loved this story! You did a really good job with the Office humor and the fact you were able to incorporate a Dwight story too- was awesome!

Great job :)
Brooke chapter 5 . 1/22/2011
I have recently started watching the office and I have become borderline obsessed with JIm Halpert and the jim/pam story. I've been watching the office pretty much for the sole purpose of jim and pam and since they (unfortunately) or not the main plot line, I began to go through sort of a withdrawal (pretty sure it's because I've been reading too many books of substance and not enough romance novels). anyways, I became so desperate that I stooped down to the lowest level - fanficts (which I never read because they are on average...terrible.) But then I came across this one and it was AMAZING! It had another plot going on, and the characters are excellent, you wrote them perfectly! It was like an actually episode (but way better because it was jim/pam centric), it was so so so good, definitely what i was looking for :) Thanks!
iheartjimhalpert chapter 5 . 7/28/2009
You got the characters spot on! I think you should totally write more Office fics, I would definitely read them.
LiveinLivingColor chapter 4 . 7/24/2009
I just found this story, and I loved it! You kept everyone in character, and the camera bits (which often don't work well in stories) were absolutely perfect. I laughed out loud at a lot of the lines (mostly Dwight's), and you used dialogue that could very well have been taken out of the show. Great, great job.
MermaidMidna chapter 4 . 12/29/2008
When I was reading this I thought: "This person is a genius." That was so good! Micheal and Dwight's talking heads were just BRILLIANT. I felt like I was watching a real Office episode; everyone was totally in character and it was so funny! Great job!
Katrina chapter 2 . 12/1/2008
Do you know how rare it is to write Dwight well?

Well you do. You definitely do.

... carpet needs to be stretched. I thought I was watching the actual show there. lol Keep it up!
rehilaration chapter 5 . 10/21/2007
I just wanted to tell you, this fic was PERFECT! You had all of the characters' natures down unbelievably well! Be proud of yourself! This is an Office masterpiece!
Scripted Starlet chapter 4 . 7/15/2007
“Permission to engage the enemy?”

Scripted Starlet chapter 3 . 7/15/2007
"Are you going to put out tonight?”

HAH! Genius. You've got Kelly down to a T.
Scripted Starlet chapter 2 . 7/15/2007
Wow. That Michael/Cupid bit was so Steve it was killing me. This fic is hilarious! And Jim saying 'Angela'? Cherry on the top. You should've gotten him to add that they had similar interests. Cats... God... hatred of all things anime... I'm sure that would've threatened Dwight.

Nevertheless False! Angela doesn't even like lilies cracked me up and then some.
Scripted Starlet chapter 1 . 7/15/2007
This is so cute. Can we get you to write the premiere?
PuffyCheese chapter 5 . 7/10/2007
Great work on this fic. I think you did especially well on the characters comments (especially Michael and Jim); I could really see some of the asides to the camera as things the characters would say. Keep up the great work!
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