Reviews for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Returned
S.T.A.R.S. Girl chapter 2 . 6/30/2003
I love the prospect of being able to bring back New York-Chicago-Neil, Jane-everyone, yet...the aliens are only manifested as angry "ghosts" because they're gaia has been destroyed, so they cannot rest and return to their earth. So there isn't really Phantom Gaia, I think. May be wrong. Whole concept was extremely vague and open to all sorts of interpretation. And err Dr. Sid didn't die at the end as I've seen mentioned. Gaia let out in death,and this seems more plausible, is blue, like death energy. White would be life energy; explaining why he soul didn't leave him and he died. 'Member, the plant Aki found? Dying. Her? Dying. Both flash blue. The oval pack? Maybe it was running low. Little girl? Dying. Bird and Fish? It is a ravaged earth.

But overall good. Again, suberb, suberb concept _. Urge you to go ahead with it
alisai chapter 1 . 11/24/2001
Oh, sorry.. I had some typing errors. *sweatdrop*.. movemovie, nellynessy. Sorry. I also sound really bitchy, i realized when I read back.. don't mean to discourage you! Keep writing! I sooo want to see where this goes!
alisai chapter 2 . 11/24/2001
Hey.. i just wanted to say,.. when I saw that there was a FFSW fanfic I was elated! But..I'm sorry.. it seems that you really have no plot. I mean, it's there.. but it's so shallow. Aki just comes into the room suddenly and Dr. Sid just, pretty much, makes some stuff up. At least, that's what it felt like to me. And.. this is my very favorite move. Nelly; I read your comments and I find myself wondering if you even watched the movie. Dr. Sid didn't die at the end, he said "Oh, it's warm." when a phantom spirit passed through his body.. the spirit was returning to it's Gaia. Oh, and one more thing? I watched the directors cut on the DVD,. did you people know that in the director's mind Aki was pregnant when the movie ended? Think about it.. what was that last spirit? When she had that dream the Gaia thrust it's tentacles into her and the one that goes through her abdomen starts glowing blue! So the last spirit is life. Okay.. sorry I took so much space. Thankies!
Dreamer48 chapter 1 . 8/25/2001
ok first of all there has been many confusion on the 'who lived after earth was saved from the phantoms'

if you have watched the movie in the end little white thingys floated to that huge beem created by the gia's well they show a scene where dr. sid said "ohh its worm!" and then you see a white thingy come out of his chest

usaully that means that the spirit is leaving the body so he actually died.
Zephyr1 chapter 1 . 7/20/2001
That story is good. You're really good at writing these kinds of fic. Keep up the good work, Tom.(Sorry, I'm a little off from the mood to be happy. I'm a little bit stressed about writing my fics) I added your name and this story to my favorites.
TylerJRM7 chapter 1 . 7/19/2001
cool1 more more more!
anieveIII chapter 1 . 7/19/2001
Great! Wonderful! Read my stories! (I hope I wasn't too subtle for you.)