Reviews for Good Boys Don't Kiss Like That
dotty4RLSB chapter 1 . 1/27
the side to "good boys/girls" that no one sees or knows: they have read so much about kissing that when they do it themselves they have more experience than someone who has kissed or been kissed millions of times. Logic, people.
BTW, adored the short slash!
Now, about that cookie...
xXVampire-WarriorXx chapter 1 . 6/15/2019
That was great! I love anything to do with Remus and Sirius as a couple!
Harry1675 chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Eeeeeeekkkkkk! Oh my gersh! Fabulous! Love you for this! I really do.
Collateral Kisses chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
My bloody iPod won't let me log in to fav this wonderous creation! Oh woe is me! XD I loved this! It was 142% brilliant! Thanks for writing .
xNomii chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
Really enjoyeble!
fangirlbynight chapter 1 . 2/10/2010
Oh I love this! Sirius and Remus are so cute. A little ironic since I'm watching Bridget Jones right now. "Good boys don't kiss like that." "Oh yes they fucking do." Two best lines ever, adored it. Favorited it.
Gibbersnap chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
Wonderful, wonderful story here. _ I've come across it a few times and have always enjoyed it thoroughly.

Since you said you're looking for constructive criticism, there are just a few points that bother me:

1. "It was rather easy for Remus to lose himself in a book and forget the world around him. However, at times that is precisely what he wished to do."

Both sentences make sense grammatically, but I think their meanings contradict. It's easy, but sometimes he wants to do it? "However" implies contradiction, so it would make more sense that the first sentence be a reason he /can't/ do it: it's hard, it bothers people, it's bad for some reason... however, he wants to at times.

2. "Seventh year at Hogwarts was not at all what Remus had anticipated for."


verb [ trans. ]

1 regard as probable; expect or predict : she anticipated scorn

I haven't studied English "properly," so I don't know how to phrase this, but "anticipate" is a verb that can only be used in application to a noun: I might anticipate a cake, or anticipate events, but I can't anticipate for a cake. So in this case, Remus would be anticipating seventh year, or something specifically about it, rather than "for" either of those things.

3. "Remus noted that Sirius’ words had no trace of amusement laced with seriousness."

This is slightly unclear; when I first read it it sounded as though Sirius' words were lacking [single emotion that is described by "amusement laced with seriousness"]. Though I caught the meaning eventually, perhaps it would help to refer to "Sirius' words" specifically with each description? (e.g. Sirius' words had no trace of amusement, and were laced with seriousness.)

Hopefully your carpal tunnel lets you keep writing. This is wonderful, really - and thank you for knowing how to use semicolons.

(I am the reason reviews allow up to 10,0 characters, aren't I. o_o )
LovelySnakes chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
shadowglove chapter 1 . 12/23/2008
hm...what a nice way to check out ones sexuality. laughs.
OoverO chapter 1 . 11/7/2008

i kind of didnt like that it started with very long paragraphs and no dialouge at first but the rest is awsome!
this is not a pipe chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
That was fluffy goodness. Thank you! Especially for the Serious/Sirius pun. And Bridget Jones, right?
padfoot-is-better-than-you chapter 1 . 3/23/2008
AH! that was SO cute! i'm trying not to squeal and make everyone look at me like i'm a freak. GORGEOUS!
ProtegoNox chapter 1 . 3/17/2008
Remus is epic.

That is all.

bananau28419 chapter 1 . 1/9/2008
Oh, the last line totally MADE this piece! I loved it.
starlit seductress chapter 1 . 11/13/2007
haha..."do i pass your gay exam?"...funny!
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