Reviews for Nine Crimes
craxygirl54 chapter 10 . 1/15/2011
Wow I just wow I've never read something like this. I'm surprised on the way you ended things but you did say this was a dream that your friend had so I understand. I thought everything was going to be fine between them but it's nit which makes me kinda sad. I will go look for the sequel hopefully it will have a happier ending.
Julchen1515 chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
I like it
neodeu chapter 10 . 8/6/2009
othloverrrr chapter 10 . 1/3/2008
omg poor brooke :(

- i feel so bad for her

hopefully you can update soon please... this is a touching story i just love it
atomiccounty chapter 10 . 12/11/2007
aww i loved this story so much!
awhero chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
i'm so torn between feeling sad that it ended this way and loving it for being so unique! it's definately memorable. there are not many authors who would go down this part. i wish we got to see other views but as u said it was short and to the point, and besides extremely long stories bore the hell out of me! lol

am definately interested to read this one-shot. there's so many ways to go with it and am curious which way u will go. for this chapter alone i definately loved the brooke-peyton scene. the way she hugged her when she broke down was impeccable!

another story very well done!
jc4127 chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
I wanted another chapter but I didn't know it was going to be the last chapter and I didn't know it was going to end so sadly. I felt so bad for Brooke when she had to tell Peyton and when she had to walk away for Lucas. Poor Lucas, he has had some type of feelings for her since the beginning and it is too bad she never noticed it. I can't wait for the sequel, I hope it is happier. Another great Cheyenne fic, when I grow up I want to be a great writer like you :).

BRUCAS EQUALS LOVE chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
wow...i cant believe that is the end! ne whoo awesomee chapter...even though it was sad it was written extreamly well and yea...
orphan12345 chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
post the sequel soon!
Potato92 chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
I cried. That's awful isn't it. I read a chapter and bawled like a baby. In my defence - you write so damn well - it might as well have been happening to me!

I'm looking forward to the oneshot. I hope you don't make me cry again! Lol.

Thanks for an amazing fic!
justlikebrooke chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
Chey, before i say anything else i once again need to tell you that you are an absolutely amazing writer. Talanted, inspirational and fantastically imaginative. i really mean this.

You know that these last two chapters was especially hard for me to read, because of recent events. But as i told you the other night, however sad it makes me that BL ended up the way they did, it's still a very realistic and logical end. Losing a baby is extremely hard, even when the baby itself is unplanned, and you made Brooke so realistic in her emotions. The way you had her break down in biology-class had me on the verge of tears. She tried so hard to keep it together, and then when Peyton tried to comfort her and she had to tell the truth... *cries*

i could totally feel the loneliness she experienced in that moment. The baby being gone, her friendship with Peyton lost and the need to be a better person and let Lucas go. Poor girl.

I'm gonna read this again (it'll be the third time) because in some strange way it makes me feel better. Thank you for yet another beautiful story Chey, i can't wait for what you bring us next.

Treehilldreams chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
Ugh, as much as I disliked this ending...I loved it at the same time. It just made sense, everything with Peyton finally understanding that Brooke was pregnant with Lucas's baby, then the entire thing with Brooke shutting Lucas out...I don't know how but it all just seemed right, like that was the way you were supposed to end it. Can't wait to see the follow-up story to this...

"While everyone may not be happy about it at first, it grows on you, but then you are left with what you had originally hoped for when you took the test."

So true. I get what you mean by that.

Anyways, this was perfection, as always :-).
Tinka chapter 8 . 12/10/2007
You should really bother to find out facts before you write a chapter. A woman like Brooke: petite, in-shape and expecting her first child wouldn't show at 7 weeks, in fact she'd take LONGER to show than a woman who was older, not in good shape and not on their first child. She wouldn't have a bump at 7 weeks, not even close. Shows how much you know...Oh, and she would've put on 5 lbs at the MOST and there's no way she's be able to feel a 5lb difference, as in all likelihood it would be water-weight.
ariadnescurse chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
Wow...I seriously didn't see the ending coming. That was a great story, and I'm looking forward to the sequel. Pregnancy's an interesting topic to work through, it can open and close so many doors. It would be intriguing to see how Brooke's eyes opened after the loss of the both good and bad ways. Looking forward to your next post!
iluvmedou chapter 10 . 12/10/2007
Im compleatly flabbergasted that this story is now compleate!

The ending brought tears to my eyes! And i was really touched and moved by it all! Thinking about how you ended it, it all does make sense and has kept a sense of reality to the story you wrote! I have to say i am pleased you will be writing a oneshot! And i think you should be proud of this story because i have certainly enjoyed it! Natalie xx
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