Reviews for Talking Head
WhoSaysImEvil chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
I was drinking a beer(of the root variety,as I am not yet 21) while I was reading this. When it said "I am Jim Halpert's **", I spit out the soda all over my laptop, effectively ruining it. This is being written from my iPod. My laptop is being repaired. Thank you for ruining my laptop. :(
iamthatplace chapter 1 . 8/10/2008
This story is so hilarious! At first I was just skimming through it, and I was like, who the hell is this talking? And then I went back and saw the line, "I am Jim Halpert's penis." Best line ever! My first thought was, I didn't know he had one.

Anyway, this story was very funny. You should write a follow-up about how Max feels about Pam, now that they've finally met.

Thanks so much for posting this. It's really funny.
Lady Gwenevere Smith chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
Bwhahahaha! Wow. I don't think I've laughed so hard (that's what she said!) in ages. Good work!
Bears Eat Beets chapter 1 . 4/15/2008
outstanding...loved it.
inonolimits00 chapter 1 . 12/1/2007
omg im still cracking up while writing this hahahahhahahahahahhahahaha i swear i peed myslef at

"And I am Jim Halpert's penis." ahahahahahhahahahhaha omg i laughed so hard i might have ruptured my spleen... thank god i was just randomly searching old fanfics and stumbled apon this amazingness cause maximus completely made my day :D

BTW "...but who did he want to talk about every time he came around to see me? You got it. Miss Pam Beesly" BEST LINE EVER

OMG I JUST GOT THE TITLE OF THE STORY - TALKING HEAD? oops there goes my spleen again ;]

young for eternity chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
Let me give you a visual of how hard I was laughing:

I fell out of my computer chair.

I laughed so hard I cried.

I cried so hard I actually made a nice little squishy spot on my carpet.

My mom thought I was having some kind of seizure thing.

My neighbors complained.

And that was just at "I am Jim Halpert's penis."
Erica chapter 1 . 6/16/2007
I have to say, I thought that was hilarious! I needed to laugh!
all around chapter 1 . 6/14/2007
it's sad how long it took me to figure this out. oh, god.
jandjsalmon chapter 1 . 6/14/2007
Win Win Win. Totaly brilliant!

"...who did he want to talk about every time he came around to see me?" - JAW DROP! TOO TOO FUNNY!

"You would think that if his heart does nothing but say “Pam. Pam. Pam. Pam.” and I'm more than ready and willing to introduce myself to her - let's be honest, I'm dying here to meet her! - he'd go with the democratic process of majority rule. What he's waiting for his brain to tell him is anybody's guess. I've even made attempts to swing his brain over to our side, but it doesn't even return my messages." - VERY VERY humorus! Love it!

"I can't help but believe them all when they say Pam would make me happier than I've ever been." Oh she would!

Brilliant Brilliantly funny story!;)