Reviews for Lost Complex
story in reverse chapter 4 . 2/19/2003
/"He says its too important to wait," she made a face while trying a Cloud impersonation, "'You know I love you baby, but the company this, the company that.' Fuck the mother fucking company." /

MY CLOUD! You. you said 'baby'? NO! X_X

/The Vice President gave her a half hearted smile, though the cogs in his head were starting to turn. If there was something important going on in the office, shouldn't Cloud have tried to get a hold of him? Usually he was the one who handled most of the important, late night shit, simply because he didn't have much of a social life of his own. Maybe he was making something out of nothing, but still, it bothered him./


. I bet it's with VINCENT!

/Rude made a face at that analogy, but Reeve chuckled sarcastically. "All the good men are so hard to find. You guys have fun, I'll keep wallowing." /

I love you, Rude.
Lirillith chapter 1 . 2/22/2002
I just love this. Cait watching his tail for entertainment, Rude reading Highlights, the interaction between Reeve and the Turks, the image of Reno singing "It's Raining Men" (is he the one who will bring our perverted friend yaoi into the story?) and Rude admitting to being an emotionless sack. I want more! Which, of course, is why I'm reviewing again.
aes sedai ani k chapter 4 . 2/19/2002
that was great, man. not many people develop rude as a character...ayy nicely written) more soon..please) heh;;
Traxits chapter 4 . 2/14/2002
Fwee! Good stories are so hard to find, and this is one of the best! Oh, but one little thing... Break Tifa and Cloud up! We want Tide! We want Tide! We want Tifa with Rude! YAY! *giggles helplessly and tries to fight the men in white coats running after her* I swear I didn't escape! I swear I have a day pass!
Lirillith chapter 4 . 2/3/2002
(Fangirl squeal) Yay! Rude! Reeve! Hee!

Real review: Any plans to continue? I'd love to see more... So far I've steadfastly ignored the Parasite Eve games, but I love your treatment of all the characters so far, and I want to see where you're going with this.
spooky cat chapter 1 . 7/19/2001
I just read what's up, and I'm only getting around to reviewing now... 0_o

Anyway, this is a great story! And it has Turks! I'm really liking the way that you take characters that aren't always used in FF7 stories (Reeve, Rude, Cait) and mixing them in with ones that are (such as Tifa). Fantastic story, and I'm looking forward to more soon. _

*puts story on favorites*
renderedvoice chapter 4 . 7/18/2001
Ooh! That was wonderful! Rude's in it too! That's really good, since there aren't a lot of fics around here like that. Anyway, I'll be waiting to read the next chapter! _
jin chapter 4 . 7/17/2001
Omigod! Someone wrote about Rude! YAY! (Excuse my exitement, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of Rude fics, if any, out there.) And gosh, it's well written and doesn't skew his character and doesn't bring him in just as a replacement for Cloud! Thank you for making my day. Whee!