Reviews for Wanting
CherryTheRose chapter 1 . 7/14/2019
*reads description* they had us in the first half not gonna lie.
EvY chapter 14 . 2/24/2018
Oh? This chapter gives hope. It tells me there's a continuation and I'm very interested. I'll check it out!

Thanks, dear author, for completing this entertaining, exhilarating, interesting, and suspenseful thriller fanfic!


Maybe I'll leave a detailed review next time. For now, I need to sleep. I finished this fic in one sitting. Can you believe that? That's how interesting each chapter was.
It deserves a detailed review expressing my thoughts and appreciation. But I need to sleep first and go to work.
EvY chapter 13 . 2/24/2018
Nice addition!
*reads last chapter
EvY chapter 12 . 2/24/2018
The end!
That was a nice emotional ride. Oh my...I don't know how to feel. You wrote Sasuke's desperation really well. He's bad. But I can't help but feel for him. When Sakura didn't glance back, I felt Sasuke's desperation, and when she kept going, I felt like my heart was falling. You really captured the feels and made me sympathize even with an irredeemable character. But I understand Sakura and why she did what she did.

Sasuke and Sakura's feelings for each other confused me, though. I don't know if either one of them truly loved or both of them confused exhilaration for love. They have such (complicated) complex feelings.

Though, I think I *cleary* understood their emotions concerning other things. Like how Sakura felt when she discovered the other victims' pictures... I think Sakura must have been dissapointed when she discovered that the guy she possibly loved had crossed the "morality horizon". But I also understood Sasuke's desperation for an escape and Sakura... He needs escape and saving, but it's not really certain if Sakura was "the one" to save him.

(I think Sasuke confuses Sakura. Because he also claimed that he loved his other victims; so did he truly love her or did his words suggest that she's like all the other victims? If anything, I think Sasuke favored Sakura. That's what's clear)

Nice! Good job! I loved the cops. They really did their job well... Tracking her cellphobe and arriving on time!
Thanks, my dear author. Nice (sad) ending~!

But wait... There's more!
*Reads last two chapters
EvY chapter 11 . 2/24/2018
That was a whirlwind of emotions and drama... I'd like to leave a long and thorough review but I'm excited to read the next chapter!

Anyway, just know that I enjoyed. Thank you for this chapter. It's not usual... Reading about terrified characters. So, thanks for this fanfic. It's an interesting read so full of suspense... and it's thrilling. I don't know Sasuke's plan (it's always changing/not being followed), I keep guessing his next move, or what his next emotion would be... Even Sakura is somewhat unpredictable. Yep, this fanfic is thrilling.

Haha I said I won't leave a long review coz I'm excited to read the next chapter but my fingers had to type my thoughts.

*excitedly reads next chapter
EvY chapter 10 . 2/24/2018
So Sakura loves him... But Sasuke's views are still kinda messed.
They threatened her. I wonder what will happen.

Nice chapter! This story's really unpredictable...

* checks next chapter
EvY chapter 9 . 2/24/2018
Sakura's incapacitated by fear. I wonder how Sasuke will handle her or show her he "loves" her... His feelings are a bit mysterious to me. I don't know exactly how he feels for her. Is he just excited, obsessed, is it a twisted perception of love, or is he really in love? Well, I'll read and I'll find out! (and, aside from fear, does Sakura have sincere feelings for him?)

Nice chapter! Yep, Sakura's fearful- you captured that. And Sasuke's... Unpredictable.

*reads next chapter
EvY chapter 8 . 2/24/2018
Actually, Sakura, he molested you. Rape is forced intercourse. Hm... And I think she just needs to show her cuts to the cops. It's enough evidence that she was attacked, and that's all the evidence she needs for the cops to infiltrate the accused or suspect's home. I think the cops have search warrant to look for proof and weapons while the suspect is detained.
But, I guess, in restrospect, Sakura's a teenage girl and I guess teenagers are quite ignorant. I'll just bare with her naive thought process... Maybe she's too intimidated and traumatized. She's never experienced sex, let alone experienced being threatened and put in a delicate situation. She probably has no idea what's going on and what's the right thing to do; Maybe she fears taking the wrong actions, and telling the wrong people or getting her most trusted ones involved.
Hehe... Poor, Sakura.

I like how you write, though. I felt Sakura's shock. I apprecate your sentence stracture; It builds up the suspense. Really nice! I'll see how you handle her situation.

*continues reading
EvY chapter 7 . 2/24/2018
Sakura teased too much... Haha

I like what you did with sakura's pov. She has the vibe of an average teenage girl. Regular and somehow charming. A bit too cheeky...

The story feels real. Nice cliffhanger. I'll see what happens!

*reads next chapter
EvY chapter 6 . 2/24/2018
Hmm... Wonder what happens...
EvY chapter 5 . 2/23/2018
Seems like the plan's in motion. I'm glad that sasuke and gaara's "brawl" wasn't really an all out brawl (with fists and everything). It would've felt forced because both sasuke and gaara are calm and composed guys. So it's nice to know that you prioritize keeping them in character. I like the small stand off between them.

I really enjoy sasuke's pov. He accurately acts like a psychopath. ( In the books and articles I've read) They are calculating, charismatic, manipulative, charming, and seemingly friendly. You really captured those characteristics. I see in Sasuke's thoughts. He has the characteristics of a psycho, yet his mannerisms and thought process is like sasuke's. He's in character with an au psycho twist.

I appreciate how you characterize and I like your storytelling. The transition of scenes is smooth. Good job, dear author!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/23/2018
Hmm... This chapter. I see the plan's in motion.
I'm relieved that sasuke and gaara's brawl"
I liked
RoseyDevlin chapter 14 . 3/8/2015
This is one of the craziest SasuSaku story i have read O.O i really hope that in the sequel Sasuke will get normal :,( its very abusive relatsionship that they have right now...*sobs* T-T i need happy ending
RoseyDevlin chapter 4 . 3/7/2015
Sasuke is creeping me out O.O i feel scared what will happen to Sakura...RUN Sakura! RUN! XD
LanaLace chapter 14 . 7/28/2014
You are absolutely epic!
Best story I've ever read.
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