Reviews for What Came Before
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
this is beautiful! kudos man, kudos
shadow's cat chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
I have never ever watched whatever show this is from, but one of my friends REALLY wanted me to read Essence Of His Soul. Therefore, I had to read this. And I have to say, as much as I was prepared to hate this new fandom which has been thrust upon me, I enjoyed this story. Well written :)
CleverBast chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
please update! this is a great story! faving and alerting!
Loraliell chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
oww, its so cute and really sad. Poor Kuronue and poor Kurama, losing the one you love in such a way. The two of them are such a cute couple and Im looking forward to read more of Essence Of His Soul.

Bye Loraliell
Raimuboy chapter 1 . 12/24/2009
;_; sad ending. but truly spectacular
silverkitsune19 chapter 1 . 10/24/2009
aw man i loved it. the ending brought a tear to mi eye excellant job throughout the whole story. deffonitly going to read Essence of His Soul now XP take care and keep up the good work!

- silverkitsune19
KitsuneMimi chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Amazing. I love the way you write. I... I just think that you write exceptionally well! I mean, I don't usually cry reading stories, and when I read that Kuro had died three weeks after Youko caring so much and being so worried for him.. And then Kuronue even managed to get into a human body, just like Youko! - Very well written. Well, I stop rambling and let you get on with whatever your doing! Keep up the good work!

~ Yuki Aka Mimi
Wings of Tears chapter 1 . 10/15/2008
Poor Kuro! Please update the sequel soon! T-T 100/100
poetic love chapter 1 . 10/15/2008
awws so sad -sniff, sob- why kuro why? anyway i really hope you update essence of his soul. i really want to finish it.
queenskin chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
wow. i love. *hugs fanfic to death*
graypheonix chapter 1 . 6/12/2008
Shit. I love the Harry-is-Kurouno-reborn story, not to mention that the long streak of merciless pranks is beyond awesome in my mind. Heh. Especially Molly-dolly, and the grim doll. Heh. In all seriousness, I do love your stories, but I REALLY long for an update of "The Essence of His Soul." Because hey, Harry as a demon? Always awesome, especially when you take into account smexy Kurama sex. Always fun stuff. Heh. So, update it? It's awesome. Ja ne.
Lady Avarice chapter 1 . 3/26/2008
This is really sweet. I can't wait for Shuichi and Harry/Crane to meet up in the main story. Keep up the great work.
Haru Inuzuka chapter 1 . 3/1/2008
0.o ... O my goodness ... Shocked silence
Fox Loves Shinigami chapter 1 . 12/20/2007
awsome fic _ Ja.
Sushiandmanga chapter 1 . 7/15/2007


...r u going to have Crane and Kurama meet,so


Kuronue gets a second chance?
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