Reviews for Whiskey in the Jar
Pica Britanica chapter 18 . 2/19/2013
Awesome story, seriously, it's truly awesome. And it was an excellent procrastination tool instead of my coursework. So, many thanks.
edwardfiend chapter 18 . 11/11/2012
I absolutely loved this! It was very enthralling and engaging! Great characterization. I loved the Will/ Alan friendship; it was just beautiful. Great fic! :)
The Great McMidget chapter 18 . 10/21/2011
Really great story. I feel sorry for Will, Allan and Djaq
The Awsome one chapter 18 . 10/21/2011
Really great story. I had always loved Will. Poor Will and Allan
SongBirdBlues chapter 18 . 9/22/2009
Good story, I liked it

"A helpful midget with a pair of scissors?" Lol best line ever
Cap'n Awesome chapter 18 . 4/6/2009
Wow! So that you understand how fab that was I'm gonna explain how crappy my computer is. It has this thing where it resets itself. It did that twice during your story, and I just loaded it back up, quick as you like so I could read this to the end. From one Captain to another: Wow! I love how you swapped from character to character during the story and that they do speak properly, you know in character. This I do not like. I love it! :D chapter 18 . 3/15/2009
i have enjoyed this story ,and found it to be well crafted, interesting,well paced and the spelling is good , being new to fan fiction i have tried to read various different types and have found some difficult to read due to prose and spelling,keep up the good is my first review
eleroo02 chapter 17 . 4/6/2008
This is such a fantastic story. And I think the conversation went well. It would be very awkward and for guys not used to discussing feelings, you did a good job of portraying them not really knowing what they were discussing. Good job and update soon!
scorpiagirl93 chapter 17 . 1/23/2008
Issitt I'm gonna reccommend that the script writers come and read this story and all the desperate reviewers wanting Allan and Will moments coz then they might, like, get the picture!

Anyway. Allan and Will are typical blokes aren't they! Not speaking to each other 'cause of a misunderstanding... I loved it, they were both perfectly in character!

Update soon!
Ivy3 chapter 17 . 1/21/2008
Great chapter! I loved the way you've described them- you reslly know the characters well. I'm glad the two talked and that Allan accepted the Will/Djaq relationship. Really- I was expecting SOMETHING from Allan about those two when he rejoined the gang, but nada.

"so that he looked a little like a half-drowned, mentally challenged forest creature. "- now that's a description that will be stuck in my head!

"Allan wondered somewhat vaguely if maybe his quiet friend had used up his word quota for the day."- Heehee. Word quota indeed, both he and Little John...

"Will was an intense young man, who had a fairly narrow view of the world. The things he saw as important he fought for with all his might, but there were only a few things. Allan on the other hand had been taught from a young age that investing that much in something only left you hurt when it was taken away from you."- something about that just rings true, it's exactly how I see those two.


"Allan knew Will to well not to miss the bewilderment in the tone"- TOO well.
Esmerelda Diana Parker chapter 17 . 1/21/2008
I like it... not bad...Allan is good...he let Will have Djaq...very good...can't wait for the next chapter...
scorpiagirl93 chapter 16 . 1/4/2008
Dammit, why are you doing this to me? Lol!

Ah well, it was still a really good chapter. I love the way that you always take the time to go into what each of the characters are thinking, and always get it exactly right!

Seriously, though, don't put off the WillAllan moment any longer! I was disappointed enough by the finale!

Lol, can't wait for the next chapter!
The Devil Wears Westwood chapter 16 . 1/3/2008
I LUVED IT! but why aren't Will/Allan talking.. well Allan not talking to Will anyway? I have an idea... but... i could be wrong...
Esmerelda Diana Parker chapter 16 . 1/3/2008
The talk is going to be interesting...can't wait for the next chapter...why does allan not want to talk to will?
The Devil Wears Westwood chapter 15 . 12/10/2007
most defiently...
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