Reviews for Watercolor
LucidKren chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
This was absolutely wonderful. I'm so glad I found this-I have truly enjoyed it. This is definitely going into my favorites.
minteskay chapter 1 . 2/9/2012
That was, in one word because I'm about as eloquent as an elephant teaching math, beautiful. Thank you for writing this. 3
Sorikaii chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
It seems to be my curse to discover all of the good fics, like, four years later. Ah well, this was still epic and beautiful and incoherency-inducing. I loved the imagery-I could feel the scenes, so powerful-and the dreams? I. Loved. The. Dreams. Especially little Kairi-she's one wise cookie. Also, the thing with the eyes? Asdfghjkl yes, yes, yes. To wrap it all up, there was nothing about this that wasn't overly fantastic. Thank you for it.
kattobangyou chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
It's beautiful... the most wonderful Riku-centric fanfic ever. ;w; It's so romantic... ;A; I feel as if I could read this everyday... TTwTT I feel so sad for Axel... ;3; But Still... Amazing!

I was actually moved to tears when I read this fic. TTTT Awesome! Bravo!
PisceanReve chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
*applauds* woo-hoo! I liked that one! I wasn't expecting Axel though...I was actually expecting Ansem again

very well written, very suspenseful :D:D:D:D induces hyperness because of remembered obsession for Riku-I really love that kid!
Muffinsphinx chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
I should just stop favoriting your stories, because I love every single one. 3

You have nice poetic description woven through your stories, and very strong emotions for the characters, as well as keeping them close to their canon personalities.
puregarnet chapter 1 . 4/20/2009
Wow... I don't really know what to say. Nice.
Flali-Chan chapter 1 . 4/6/2009
AW! I am so in aw from the fluffiness. This is very well written.
Elephant Dude chapter 1 . 1/17/2008
Ha, something non-angsty for a change! Even though this one is a bit sad too, with Axel finally fading away. I like that guy.

Well, it's hard to say much about this. I liked it, yes, it was really well written, converting Riku's feelings to the reader. The dreams were good too, they almost felt like real dreams, but not quite - which is what they were.

It's really hard to say something when all you do is like the story! I liked the idea and the writing itself. It's a real good story.
MarySuedShoes chapter 1 . 10/30/2007
...You write KH so wonderfully I just want to wrap it up and pocket this in my brain forever.
lady of love chapter 1 . 7/31/2007
that was so amazing. it certainly was a well-spent moment of my life!
Phoenix80hp chapter 1 . 7/24/2007
This was extermely well written! I love it!
RaieChibiKid chapter 1 . 7/20/2007

The wording, the imagery, the way you make it all flow into a movie picture.


I almost missed it.

As always, I adore your compositions. 10 stars. You get a month's worth of cookies.
Trangai chapter 1 . 7/5/2007

You leave me speechless everytime I read something you write.
Rezelle chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
ZOMG! You made me cry! I usually don't read the Sora-Riku-Kairi friend fics, but I don't know. This one just caught my attention, and I read it and CRIED because it's absolutely gorgeous! The fight between Axel and Riku made me sad, because I like Axel and I wanted him to have a happy ending...oh well. It's still a beautiful piece. I love how when Riku revisits his memories and the descriptions are simply breathtaking. It reminds me of the KHII opening when they are all sitting on the paupu tree and Riku and Kairi start to fade away.

Fantastic job. *faves*
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