Reviews for Little Sister
Guest chapter 46 . 12/27/2018
Me encanto este finc y me gustaria pese a los aƱos d la ultima actualisacion ..espero q la inspiracion vuelba y puedas continuar con esta bella historia..besos
Sadio chapter 46 . 12/2/2018
OK, this might sound like a flame which I kinda hope it doesn't since I really love this story but I don't understand how Bankotsu could be so dumb. I thought he knew Kagome's death was a fake, so why is he all set to betray his brothers and work for Naraku? I mean seriously, he's not a total idiot and after what Hojo said, it just seems like this is a hugely stupid situation, like you might see in Fushigi Yugi. I'm sorry but I had to say it. I love Bankotsu and Kagome and was hoping for a normal reunion, with huge amounts of sappiness not something that seems highly improbable. Despite my feelings at the end, I have really enjoyed this story. I think it's super sweet that Ginkotsu likes Kagome and that the others have been so accepting of her too, even Renkotsu almost. So thank you for starting this story though I still don't like where you ended it and how.
inugirl504 chapter 46 . 1/8/2017
it's great so far but this is getting kind of dark and sad.
Crisp Berry chapter 46 . 10/21/2015
Noooooooo, I've come to the end! Why has this happened to me? So lovely was this story that I have doomed myself by allowing it to wiggle a spot in my heart! I crave for more chapters of this story! How am I supposed to live with out it? I want more! This is beautiful story that has captivated me and now I am in agony that I cannot read anymore. I love this story. You're such a fabulous writer and now you've got yourself another fan! Please tell me you have not abandoned this story? Pleeease? I love it too much!
EdenMae chapter 46 . 9/14/2015
I hope you didn't give up on this story it's really good!;) please come back and continue. This is very compelling and I love the character development you put a lot of effort into creating a close connection with canon. I love the relationships hope you know that! I'm praying you will not give up on this!
Chibiabyss chapter 46 . 9/7/2015
this is awesome please update soon
sesshy luver101 chapter 16 . 12/9/2014
OMG!kagome messed with the wrong braid!lol anyway love the story ;)
Salensia chapter 46 . 10/8/2014
i love this story. Please post next chapter.
Naytia chapter 9 . 8/20/2014
LOL kags messed with braid she messed with his braid she is done for
Amaryllis chapter 46 . 7/2/2014
Pleaaaaase continue the fanfiction! Im dying over here. Im really curious and want to continue to read it. So pleeeeaaaaase continue.
dragneell49 chapter 46 . 4/2/2014
this is sooooo amazing please update soon
Aspenmist chapter 46 . 3/14/2014
Noo! I finished what you have so far! I was trying to pace myself so I wouldn't spend vast amounts of time killing myself over your cliffhangers. T.T I really like how you took the characters from the manga/anime, changed them a bit, expanded on them, and with such great detail, too! Looking forward to the next chapters!
HistoryISculture chapter 1 . 12/14/2013
Update soon, please! :D :D :D
Guest chapter 46 . 11/11/2013
Guest chapter 46 . 7/17/2013
Reply to
I'm heartbroken that this has not been updated in years! The best bankotsu/kagome fan fic I've ever read! U keep the characters personalities real as well as the relationships. i love bankotsus nobility as well. you write it beautifully to say the least. i beg of you to keep writing!
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