Reviews for Motionless
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
I'm actually literally crying right now
lunatic.meap chapter 1 . 8/6/2016
my soul i burned inside out with every word that i read in this story. you my friend, makes me so very emotional wreck after reading this that idek what to do after reading this. thank you for such a traumatising piece
Celindia chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
Oh this is perfect! EWHH its Kenna, I just really like your angsty fics :3
Maymist chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
This was so beautiful...
I was so moved and close to tears.
Phenomenal writing.
Amazing job.
YourWorstNightmare16 chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
WOW! Sakura always annoys me, she did with her lovesick attitude (no offense) but I really like this. It is sad but I can't write happy stories. I really like it so good job.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
So sad.. i really liked it! Ure amazing! Hope u write more sasusaku stories! :))
cookies14785 chapter 1 . 11/2/2012
I was crying
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
it makes me imagine sasuke grabbing his chest whenever he misses her :(
really well written!
Blossoming-Bn3k chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
The story was great, it is. Sakura always is devoted like that, you captured that aspect of her perfectly. She always was, and always will be. That's what I always loved about her. But there's a loophole - when Tsunade came in proclaiming she had a heart, did that mean a heart donor for Sasuke? If so, that meant it was AB negative too, right? If I'm correct and according to your fic's rules, Sakura also was capable of being operated. Why can't Tsunade just give Sakura's heart to Sasuke and operate the donor's heart into Sasuke therefore making her live too? I wanted a happy ending. :'(
powerofmicrofibre chapter 1 . 1/10/2012
i am literally sitting here sobbing. your writing has made me cry. and it was so beautiful.

Thank You.
Forever in the Sky chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
this had my heart hurting aloooot

so sad. im crying..
FutureMrs.Craig chapter 1 . 11/9/2011
OMG that's so sad!
Aristocrate chapter 1 . 9/9/2011

Very beautiful,characters are the same as Kishimoto's..xD

Though Naruto'll never give up.

Thank u for this sad,but lovely story;3
Dancinfanz chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
Hmm what can I say lovely little gem here. Your righting is sound and strong not really my cup of tea. Angst never really is . . . .

no that's a lie Sakura emotionally unstable is something I never really like to see. But this wasn't that bad and I kind of like it.

A couple of medical inaccuracies I wanted to point out (being a healthcare provider myself). I am not gonna be a nazi and like "ahhhhhhh wrong" because creative licence is a freedom that I will always use and frequently do. When a person is in a coma its a fact that hearing is usually always functioning at 100%(unless hearing is impaired in some was damage and the like). When it comes to heart transplants its not just blood type that factors in the donating process. Its also tissue compatibility you can have the same blood type but if the tissues don't take the heart has a really hard time not being rejected(again creative licence on that one for the drama).

But besides the fact that Sakura is being a emo case I can

understand. I have seen so many people like this at the hospital people will do anything to get loved ones back. There was one man that threw himself off the top of a roof when his wife died that night. Crazy stuff but good writing and I enjoyed it.
Engxty Piksy chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
OMG too awesome for words! really! :D
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