Reviews for For They Shall Be Filled
H.R.C. Stanley chapter 1 . 6/25
Decent prologue
Blossom Bounty chapter 36 . 9/22/2014
nice story but some parts are not very clear like of the child in dark ocean when ken was pulled into it. i think that you should rewrite that part and then you could also publish it in a book.
Blossom Bounty chapter 34 . 9/22/2014
the baby form of patamon is poyomon and not pabumon
Xaipa chapter 36 . 4/13/2011
Good Lord, what is this fic?

I must tell you that this marks the first time I've read such an enormous story without any kind of pairing, just plot and character development.

This also marks the first time I enjoyed something this long and dramatic. Normally all those sacred powers and hidden crests and games of darkness and light overpowering each other are boring and too over the top for my liking. But considering that 02's plot was lacking so much explanation and cohesion, and this ones fits so well into the cannon universe, I can't help but adore this. And I finally get to know the plot of the games where Ken and Ryo were in, allowing me to understand what the heck happened to Ken before and in between the Kaiser phase.

Other important note is that you've managed to maintaining all the chosen children at some point in the spotlight, although it's pretty obvious that Ken's the one riding this boat. xD

Some things felt unnecessary and overly dramatic (Sanghee's death scene and all that 'you're the same as him' bullsh*t was really annoying) and at some points in the story I felt like I should strangle Ken, something I never felt with the cannon character, so I can only explain it by accusing you of making him OOC. But that would be unfair since this Ken went through a different chain of events, thus making is character development different from the Cannon!Ken.

Whatever the reason, I do know for a fact that what you said was true: Ken had darkness within him even before going to the digital world. He resented Osamu even before receiving the digivice.

Well, anyway, this was a very good fic, but really tiring. Some characters acted strangely, the biggest offender being Ken, but that can be justified, like I said, through the character development he receives in here being different then the cannon one. The problem is that being justified isn't the same as being accepted. However, it's clear that you've put lots of effort into this story, and that alone makes it stand out and deserve all the attention that it gets.

On the other hand, and having in consideration my personal tastes (which hardly matter to anyone but myself) this is too convulsed. Gennai felt like an unnecessary height, Ryo hardly got to participate, Osamu was just floating around, and everyone aside form the children kept spouting cryptic messages about destiny. I'm a supporter of 'screw destiny' so it annoyed me a bit (unless that was the moral of this fic and I completely missed the point XD).

But no matter how much flaws I found and annoying bits that bothered me, you still managed to pull me chapter after chapter, and keep my hooked until the final scene, and that is very remarkable. You have great storytelling skills, and still plenty of room to learn, making you one ff-net writer I would like to follow. I might not put this fic into my favs list, but I'm sure to keep your profile saved somewhere so that I can return here eventually.

(psst, on a side note, you kept changing Veemon's in-training name between the japanese and the american version... sometimes it was demiveemon, others it was chibimon... just so you know)
Chimidoro chapter 36 . 8/4/2010
Best digimon fic out there. I love this story. It's a shame you havent updated the sequal, but atleast you completed this one. Read this story a couple of years ago and i still think this is one of the best stories I've ever read. Thank you for writing a really awesome fic!
agoodcupoftea chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
I don't even know if you still have this e-mail address routed to this profile, but I wanted to say, I've been hunting for this story for a long, very long time. I read it back in high school, and I'm 24 now. My roman-alphabet-language literacy wasn't even up to par to comprehend this story back then (in fact, I ended up working construction/labour for lack of scholastic abilities); yet something about it had stuck with me for seven, eight years. Thank you for leaving this amazing novel posted; reuniting with a long-lost literary love is probably the best kind of such a thing (okay, maybe next to a long-forgotten favourite tune, but I digress).
heath 999 chapter 26 . 9/12/2005
Sorry your Digimon Emperor is missing, mine kinda went back A.W.O.L. Last chapter, or I would let you borrow him. lol... Funny though.

Terriffic chapter, porr Davis. T_T Kinda creul what happened. :(
heaven shadow chapter 36 . 5/26/2004
Lovely lovely, once again absolutely commendable, there were a few spelling errors scattered here and there, but it was utterly utterly wonderful. I think you captured their essences quite well, beautiful job.
Kiseki no Tenshi chapter 36 . 7/13/2003
Cool Story! _
heath 999 chapter 36 . 7/12/2003
*blinks* Wow... What an amazing story... It had me hynoptized at the end, it was so good. Amazing job!
Akuro chapter 36 . 7/11/2003
I'm a rather late reviewer, aren't I? XX,

Anyway. This was certainly one of the longest and most time-consuming stories I've ever read. Completely worth it, I might add. Very unique and wonderfully written, with wonderful detail and description. It's impossible not to commend your plot; it's so original and complex, planned out carefully, and it doesn't drag on to make the story seem uninteresting or confusing. It's also nice how you didn't add romance, though I must admit the Kenkeru hints were nice. ;

Overall, excellently done.
heath 999 chapter 31 . 7/6/2003
*eyes huge* Whoa! Really intense! I love your writing style! It really makes you feel like you're there!
heath 999 chapter 29 . 7/6/2003
*blinks* Wow... That was...

Ken: She's speechless, I guess there's a first time for everything.

*smacks him* Amazing! I loved the part about the Dark Ocean.
XxdaloveSovereignxX chapter 15 . 4/24/2003
Guest chapter 36 . 3/26/2003
"...Full of inspriation..full of emotion...adventure...light...darkness...and many other things that the strongest words couldn't describe..."-?
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