Reviews for How long?
Cosmic Fool chapter 1 . 9/22/2007
I really like the premise of this story, but I felt it was a bit anti-climatic at the end.

It just all seemed to be put back together way to fast to be believable.

But I did like it. well done
Biskitty chapter 1 . 5/14/2007
Loved it!

Characters are well-written and the angst is believable.

Only quibble? It seems a little abrupt at the end. Could this mean that you might extend it...
MadMaz87 chapter 1 . 5/13/2007
You Know afinalchaotics friend you should make your own account :D

All your Yuffenines are amazingly written and such a joy to read you should make more but with your own name, it would save you from having to keep reminding us your using your frinds account.

And i just think it would be nice for you, i'm guessing you where using afinalchaotics account because you wern't sure if people would like you stories? well now you know we love e'm! :D it's just a sugestion though :D just as long as you continue to right great Yuffentines! if not i'll hunt you down for wasting Talent! :)

so give yourself an Author name so i can Author alert you! :D

and Favour You!

Anyway enough of my ramblings, this little fic is gold dust, it stands great as a one-shot but i think if you wanted to you could also add chaters and make it a mini fic, but which ever way its a great fic.

keep up the good work

madmaz -x-