Reviews for Say Uncle
starlit seductress chapter 1 . 10/5/2008
aw...that was one of the sweetest things i've ever read...perhaps a bit out of character but whatever...good job!
arsenicturntech chapter 1 . 8/4/2008
oh meh jeebus that twas M-azing

even the fluffleyness that usually makes me feel sick was nice

can't wait for the next one

StoryTruths chapter 1 . 2/3/2008
Beautiful, perfect. It was even in character! Really, truly amazing; please, please continue!
Pip Black chapter 1 . 1/4/2008
wow..that was awesomely written. good job! i really hope you keep writing tho, it would be great to read some more! good luck!
bohemian94 chapter 1 . 11/15/2007
that was AWESOME. I loved it. You rock.
Siroc chapter 1 . 10/10/2007
Well, I don't know how i feel about it.

I mean, it is extremely well written.

but there is a lot of OOC.

And I'm uncomfortable with Finny calling Gene baby.

Well, it's a nice story. :)
Giraffe in the Hat chapter 1 . 6/6/2007
(Whoa...I haven't been on here in the longest time, 'cos I had no clue was going all picture identification on us.)

Anyways (this the millionth time i've tried to review. my computer is so evil right now.), I luv ur fic. Honestly and truly I want to marry it. (Ok...well...that sounded weirder now that I wrote it.)

Everyone was beautifully in character, and I loved Finny aiming for Gene's pants when they were kissing. Can I write a drabble about that? Please?

Update soon,

Giraffe and her hat
Kiarara chapter 1 . 6/4/2007
I actually read this a long time ago, and haven't remembered to comment until now. xD

Normally with a fanfiction, I tend to read it once and then get sick of ever reading it again. But there are those cases, with exceptionally nicely written or extremely mood-catching stories that I would die if I never got to see one of them again. This, is one of those stories that I love to death. I even have it on my ipod for my reading pleasure at any time! xD Anyways, I just really want you to feel proud of yourself for this, because I really think it's something that deserves that feeling.

I absolutely love Finny's little speech type thing about being serious and heartbroken before he had gene. Oh, that part just about breaks my heart.

...Yeah. I just wanted to let you know all of that. CONTINUE WRITING! You now have yourself a fangirl.