Reviews for Burning Love
darksaber92 chapter 12 . 5/15/2012
This story is more than awesome l! I very very very very very much hope that you continue to write this story. If you have writers block or lost interest in this story then I hope you might let someone else continue to write the story or help you with it. In my mind this story is just to good to leave unfinished/ uncompleted.
darksaber92 chapter 12 . 5/15/2012
This story is more than awesome l! I very very very very very much hope that you continue to write this story. If you have writers block or lost interest in this story then I hope you might let someone else continue to write the story or help you with it. In my mind this story is just to good to leave unfinished/ uncompleted.
sweetkid45 chapter 9 . 4/27/2011
please when will chapter 13 be up?
sweetkid45 chapter 12 . 4/19/2011
I do hope we have more I'd

love to know who this

frank person is man or

woman?keep them comin

I love this story!:)
tj5ktj chapter 3 . 10/2/2010
RedBadger83 chapter 12 . 9/13/2010
Hurry up and finish this bloody story. I'm hooked. I'm loving this one. good job so far. I love Miley and Lily together like this. Good job and finsh it. I wanna see what happens
xkittycatgirlx chapter 12 . 2/23/2010
OMG! I watched your youtube trailer and read the whole story. I love it! I can't wait for more!

~ Kittycatgirl
mypoetictragedy chapter 12 . 1/23/2010
Nothing can spice a story as much as a good fight lol Still, I don't like when Lilly-bear and Miley-poo fight :( XD (sorry my child interior tend to take the best of me sometime...P)

Back to the story...its just simply AWESOME ! I'm dying right here, I MUST know what will happen ! Who the hell is Miley's stalker ? I dunno if its me...but I feel drama coming...a LOT of drama...(lol I dunno, just a weird feeling...probably wrong xD)

Anyway, hope you update soon (if you're keeping up the story of course O_O !)

P.S : I dunno why, but Lilly beating up Jake exicited me O-o Lol weird, I know... ( don't be scared, I'm the most random person ever...sorry :P)
AlvinFan07 chapter 12 . 9/28/2009
Ohh cliff-hanger! lol Loved the chapter and I definately can't wait for the next one! :-D
Anonymouse chapter 12 . 9/28/2009
This story is really great keep it up dont stop to me this seems to be where the story just started. REALLY REALLY GOOD STUFF!...Loving all of the things making it seem like its a true story. Gr8 :D
AlvinFan07 chapter 11 . 9/18/2009
This Frank guy is so creepy :( Hopefully nothing really bad happens to Miley or any of the others. I shall continue reading later on, it is late lol. Keep up the great work! :)
WhatAWayToFall chapter 12 . 9/10/2009
Great chapter! I really hope that Jake gets what he deserves!

Update soon!
Lucy chapter 3 . 5/27/2009

I'm already adicted(sp?)
Turn.Me.On chapter 10 . 5/22/2008
I really like your story so far! I can't wait to find out who this "Frank" is and all. Please update again! Keep up the good work :)
xbLuex chapter 10 . 1/10/2008
haha, great chapter again really interesting, just keep on updating )
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