Reviews for Alibi
PartnersForLife2112 chapter 5 . 11/11/2019
Guest chapter 5 . 6/30/2014
Wow, talk about payback. Wish there was more chapters, thanks for posting.
Kayenes chapter 5 . 6/27/2013
Hmm this was different and very alternate universy but I still liked it. Nice concept but I feel like it's not done. Very open ended but well written nonetheless.

I liked it. :)
babysgotback chapter 5 . 5/24/2010
This is really good. Seeing the summary I thought it may be a songfic from Kenny Rodgers.
the-space-between1013 chapter 5 . 4/25/2009
Incredibly hot chapter. I'd love to know how it really ended. Did Elliot and Liv breakup and divorce their spouses? Or did they continue their affair as their spouses continued theirs?
Ad Hominem Argument chapter 5 . 8/1/2007
So I know you said you're at a croosroads with this story but I think I may have a solution... Or at least I hope so... Let Hawk continue to sleep with Kathy and say he's with Elliot, this will provide Elliot with the alibi to continue to sleep with Olivia, only eventually one of the couples has to get caught... Okay so that made more sense in my head... LOL!

ElliotNOliviaSVULover chapter 5 . 7/10/2007
sigh Another Kinsey story to love! Hopefully you'll get over your writer's block on this one soon, I'm loving the little twist there with E/O and the affair.
thebelovedpariah chapter 5 . 6/24/2007
wow. let's start at the beginning. i was browsing the EO stories. I came across this one. I haven't been reading EO too long, you see, only a week or so. probably only a few days. however, i very quickly learned that no matter what you think of the summary or the title, if it's by KinseyJo, read it anyways. I came across this sotry a few times and it never occurred to me to look at the author. when i foinally realized that you had written it, i immediately clicked on it. I wasn't really sure if I would like it based ont he summary but somewhere around the first word I was sucked in, just like all of your other stories! It was chapter four when I really started getting into it. you left that EVIL cliffy and I was basically screaming "NO! DAMN YOU KINSEYJO! EVIL CLIFF!" but somehow I managed to lean two inches and click the button for the next chapter. I was addicted. I still am! keep up the good work, as always, and I hope to see an update soon!

Congrats on getting my longest review EVER! *huggles*
Not-So-Wicked Witch chapter 5 . 6/24/2007
Great story! Please please please write more soon! More EO and more smut!

P.S. Love your other stories too!
JESSting123 chapter 5 . 6/21/2007
Oh my friggin god! that was amazing! update soon PLEASE!

Daniellea chapter 5 . 5/22/2007
Oh, I loved that last little paragraph with the shattering. Good buildup to that point, the conversation, and cliffhanger last chapter. So, the aftermath will be?

More soon!
Ad Hominem Argument chapter 3 . 5/20/2007
I know this review is coming kind of late (I've been out of town) but this story is amazing! I like how you didn't have them jumping the gun right away but you're telling how it all began! Way to go!
Serienjunkie 91 chapter 5 . 5/16/2007
Wow. That was hot.
MHFever chapter 5 . 5/15/2007
Great chapter! I hope you get your laptop this weekend. I love mine. By the way, we brought home a 9 week old puppy this evening so if I don't respond much in the coming days, that's why :D
Dakota Kid chapter 5 . 5/15/2007
ha that was the smuttiest smut that i have seen in a while. Wonderful chapter thanks for letting them let that all out for us girls. we appreciate it imensely. can't wait for more.
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