Reviews for Phantom Mythology
GhostAnn chapter 27 . 7/8/2015
Finally finished this awesome story! I loved your characters! The story worked so smoothly! Such a good good story!
The overall theam seamed fun to me, but at first I thought it wouldn't come through- the idea seemed complex and complex ideas usually fall apart- but this one didn't! It was so well put together! I'm so glad I read this story! :D
GhostAnn chapter 6 . 6/25/2015
I'm really liking Theo! This is a fun take on how to integrate the myths into Danny Phantom. I know this was completed for ever ago... but still so awesome!
bluebird397 chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
So he admits it! YAY! Vlad's not in denial anymore!
Galeiam chapter 5 . 6/5/2014 this is post jungle yet pre phantom planet and he's still playing scared to some trumped up ghosts?
Galeiam chapter 2 . 6/5/2014
wait...who is this weak fool pretending to be Danny?
The only time in the show were danny was this weak and...cowardly was in like the first 2-3 episodes and barely at that.
And what part of the series did you pull him from in order to make him so weak? the Election sounds like episode 40ish yet he's getting smacks around..and can't even fly out of a river? Danny was pretty strong at this stage and a 3 story tall ghost isn't really intimidating considering Lunch lady.
Also...i'm pretty sure his ice powers would start developing pretty strongly at this point after being attacked by poseidon...Hopefully Danny toughens up by the next chapter.
bibliophilea chapter 27 . 4/26/2014
Love your story! And your OCs are brilliant! And I've always been a fan of Greek mythology, so I love the way you integrated it and other mythologies into the Phantomverse mythos! I'm going to thoroughly enjoy the sequel!
Guest chapter 27 . 2/16/2014
Really good story loved the mythology good work
RandomCitizen chapter 13 . 12/17/2013
Makes one wonder how Theo was born... Which was the Sphinx parent?
RandomCitizen chapter 10 . 12/17/2013
I never got those god tests. What if the lier is smart and good at games?
RandomCitizen chapter 9 . 12/17/2013
RandomCitizen chapter 7 . 12/17/2013
A family of jerks.
RandomCitizen chapter 6 . 12/17/2013
This is what happens when you're "immortal" and dont have a harassment unrelated hobby. Maybe Hades will be nicer?
RandomCitizen chapter 5 . 12/17/2013
Theo's making the infi-map?

I wonder what he rebelled against? Wasn't into the Sphinx tradition of asking life staking riddles?

These are no Disney's Hercules, but I have a feeling on who the next goddess is. :P
RandomCitizen chapter 4 . 12/17/2013
Are there gonna be some hissy fits in the future? :P
RandomCitizen chapter 3 . 12/17/2013 offense to Sam fans, but knowing her attitude she's just gonna end up causing trouble by pissing people off.
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