Reviews for A Method to My Madness
almostinsane chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
Great story! Poor Mr. Crocker... When I saw this episode, I immediately felt sorry for him. Thanks for writing this. God bless!
ultra dragon chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
Crocker's entire back story is really heart breaking. I mean Timmy destroyed the man life, by accident, but still, it was for noting and Crocker was a really good kid.
And I think you really got his character, with the whole memory gap and lack of happiness just fit so beautifully.
oyasumikoneko666 chapter 1 . 11/30/2007
that was quite interesting

I like Crocker's mind XD
DroppingThisSiteToo chapter 1 . 6/20/2007
I liked this! Perfect insight on his thoughts and feelings, keep on writing!
Extraintrovert chapter 1 . 5/15/2007
“It was as if I awoke from a dream and reality came forward to slap me across the face just for good measure.”

It is always the more human villains that become the best ones. Sure, the random homicidal mania of The Joker is good for a few laughs (pun intended), but it has always been the dual Harvey Dent, the warped Harley Quinn and the tragic Victor Fries that have always had the most impact, that have shocked and awed and created boundless empathy. It is simply too bad that FOP was/is a ‘kid’s cartoon’, because although The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker brought extra depth to the character, they had a real opportunity to make him a truly tragic figure.

It’s a good thing then that we have fantastic people like you to improve on their work, adding emotion and longing and still retaining his paranoia and obsessiveness. Very nice.
spangladesh920 chapter 1 . 5/6/2007
Very good one shot. It's interesting to delve into the personal thoughts of a supposed mad man when in reality he's just a victim of circumstance. Well done!

Spiritual Magic chapter 1 . 5/6/2007
Polka Dotted Shoelace chapter 1 . 5/6/2007
I thought that was really good!
xsandwichx chapter 1 . 5/6/2007

I had never read a Crocker's thoughts fic before! XD

Good writing!

acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 5/5/2007
Short yet pretty well done.

Keep the good writing.