Reviews for The Abyss
BlueMapple chapter 9 . 5/15
Okay this story makes no sense.
You clearly don't understand what a 1st is supposed to be. Basically you are calling what looks like 3rd 1st. You are confonding. 1st is not a level that everyone can obtain. It is supposed to be like a god level. No way this morons who looks like thugs could possibly be 1st.
Also, is Laila's jenova enhancement just here for decoration ? It is absurd that on one side she can battle monsters in the lab but one the other side, she can't fight thugs once she is outside. She is supposed to be strong, not a damsel in distress.
BlueMapple chapter 3 . 5/15
Hum... excuse me ? You said "a few 1st and 2nd class soldiers" like if there was no problem with this statement. Do you realise what a 1st class soldier is ? There is no such a thing as a "few 1st class". They are unique existences. Gods among men. 1st class is like saying battle god and is only used for Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Zack and Cloud (even though he never became officially a Soldier).
Ilarya chapter 1 . 5/7
I love this. I re-read it every now and then. So well written and interesting! Are you going to do a sequel? Anyway, thanks for posting this xx
mai london chapter 1 . 6/21/2018
maybe in the sequel Cloud will fall for the OC
shadowfan999 chapter 74 . 12/31/2017
im guessing shes from the ff9 world
shadowfan999 chapter 58 . 12/29/2017
finally i got to find out who her father was
shadowfan999 chapter 30 . 12/26/2017
why did you have to make hojo take away her materia training,couldnt you make him punish her by not letting her out of midgar instead?
Biasoul chapter 1 . 6/29/2016
Y'know, I really dont wanna offend you or any of your fans, but you should REALLY fix the fist chapters. Like. REALLY. Do you know those fanfics that you start reading and then you just cant finish it because the character and the plot is a little too dumb? Too simple? Too cliché? Well, unfortunally The Abyss is just like that at the beggining, and honestly I just know that this is one of those fanfictions that have a lot of reviews just by the numbers of chapters ;c. Please, just try to improve that alright?
Guest chapter 9 . 2/19/2016
No offense but you made Lilia really weak. I can't stand rape stories or damsels in didtress.
Mumia0813 chapter 14 . 1/4/2016
I like this very well so far
Guest chapter 99 . 8/22/2014
I agree that she should of done something since she had the knowledge. What the point of these "girl from our world ends up in FFVII" if nothing is done to prevent the bad events from happening?
Guest chapter 97 . 8/9/2014
Are Kadaj, Yaoo & Loz the children of Lilia? If so,m I hope they follow Lilia and not that bitch Jenova.
OBSERVER01 chapter 96 . 9/2/2013
so far so good.
chrysanths chapter 2 . 4/23/2013
I regret not playing Crisis Core or whatever. I barely remember why Scarlet went batshit on Corel and you being abducted feels so ... stupid. I can barely understand why being a stranger would equate to terrorist or rebel, especially when you went out of your way to state you shrunk to what? Twelve? Thirteen?
Is that some twisted form of Xenophobia here or is this guy genuinely doing that for Scarlet's boobs.
I seem to get more indications that you genuinely seem to not want to fight fate. That guy was going to kill you so you went to sleep, and now you're captured by shinra but say nothing.
The chapters are hard for me to read so I can't seem to genuinely understand what is happening.
chrysanths chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
... I start reading this fanfiction with a great deal of frustration. You even state yourself you should have done something, but getting a call from a murder that's gonna kill you and you ... go to bed. Hell. There is no survival instinct in this one.

You go to gold saucer with someone and never learn their names. I can't tell if "Cheery lady" is an effectionate nickname or some indication of an inability to care about anyone and yourself. It sounds rude if you'd never bother to learn the name of someone who did quite a lot for you...
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