Reviews for Always
Lone Angel in a Trenchcoat chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
I love this story. XD Gin always gets his way
Strawberrycream11 chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
it was really good...but gin shouldn't have done that...i really wanted kira to go with the girl and gin to be jealous...but good story :D :)
missanimeuchiha chapter 1 . 5/4/2009
*puts hands over mouth and bites tounge to avoid giggling like crazed fangirl. Takes breath to talk* Ah, Gin is such a cute and devious guy. Hehe
The Critic chapter 1 . 7/15/2008
I really like this, and it gets an A.

Not just because of the smut (although that IS a plus), but also because I feel that you captured Gin-kun very well in this story. I mean, I love his sadistic nature, and usually when people write him with Kira they somehow transform him into either horribly domineering or cheesy to the point where I want to puke.

But you balance it out very well: he shows his possessiveness of Kira, doesn't confess 'I love you with all of my heart' (way out of character), and also doesn't whip/cut/maim/physically abuse Kira.

Good job.

Shiho chapter 1 . 3/28/2008
lol. I can see Gin doing this...nice fic!
Anonymous Sister of the Author chapter 1 . 10/11/2007
poor kira...

Fawnn chapter 1 . 8/10/2007
*drools* that "I'll make you scream for real this time"... jfdklsa;jfkdljio(*7fud98oajs so hoot! Danke schon!
J.F.L.Rangik-sama chapter 1 . 8/4/2007
oblivion's pen chapter 1 . 8/3/2007
LMAO-I LOVE THIS. Hee. Okay, sorry.

Anyway, I love Gin in this story! XD He's so evil. Great job.

.oblivion's pen

fan chapter 1 . 7/8/2007
Omg, that was wonderful.
Emily-Kun chapter 1 . 7/3/2007
Oh Gin is good! I really loved the fic! Your writing is totally awesome! Excellent job on the fic!
LilNeko-Chan1313 chapter 1 . 6/16/2007
Delicious fic! You did a fantastic job capturing the personalities of the characters! chapter 1 . 5/20/2007
OMG this is SO GOOD *_* Gin is sneaky - LOL Great writing, this would be loved in the GinxKira community at livejournel *wink wink* heehee okay okay, well I just had to say that and I love the story!
Anniepopokios chapter 1 . 4/25/2007
Interesting story, I just knew Gin would do something like that! XD I feel sorry for Tamiya. This was an interesting idea that you had and I had often found myself wondering what Gin might do if some girl finally starting noticing Kira. Well You wrote the story very nicely and I wish you would write more. I'm really starting to enjoy your stories
