Reviews for The Dementor's Bite
Guest chapter 27 . 5/25/2019
More please
somebody chapter 13 . 3/18/2016
i'm really enjoying this fanfic but the characters are so ooc its scary and for me has made it slightly less enjoyable
DreamsAreCrimson chapter 3 . 8/19/2014
I love the idea, but some of the things people say in the story seem very out of character (Severus, Harry, and Voldemort mostly . . . a little Remus) and the grammar leaves more to be desired. I will, however, continue and try to finish it . . . no promises, but I'll try.
Professor Severus Snape's Wife chapter 26 . 2/13/2014
you should really really update this! PLEASE?
Professor Severus Snape's Wife chapter 27 . 5/17/2011
you should seriously update this...this is a really really really good story...I would appreciate it emensally if you would update this.

escape5 chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
looking forward to reading the next chapters finding out how the story develops
Heidi191976 chapter 27 . 9/27/2009
Excellent. I can't wait to read more.
snapeluvr13 chapter 27 . 9/20/2009
I love your story I can't wait to read more!
WolfGirl Moonlight chapter 27 . 9/12/2009
Cool. Update soon please, this is an awesome story. If I am correct, it was one of the Malfoy men that killed Ron. I do remember Ron talking with a Malfoy, I just couldn't figure out which one. Lol. Update soon! :D
ginnyginny chapter 5 . 9/4/2009
this story is interesting so far, but i have to ask... do you use spell/grammar check or take a moment to edit your writing? there are some serious mistakes and they are kind of distracting. maybe finding a beta would help... i know it has helped me...
catysmom chapter 27 . 9/4/2009
I like it. Please update soon.
snakegirl-sprockett chapter 27 . 9/4/2009
I'm glad, tho I'm still waiting for kingsley to come up with something else!
notwritten chapter 27 . 9/3/2009
This is a interesting and winsome reading. Keep smiling. :-)
Phx-Songbird chapter 25 . 9/2/2009
I have just read through this story and I have found it quite enjoyable. The plot is amazing and original. I look forward to reading more and can't wait for the next update. The concept of the Dementor's Bite is interesting and it would be just the type of thing that an evil bastard like Voldemort would do. I hate to mar what has thus far been a positive review by pointing this out, but you might want to consider taking on the help of a beta reader. Spelling and grammar mistakes are very distracting to a reader, and make an otherwise enjoyable story a little less so. In every other way this story is fantastic and I am so curious to find out what happens to poor Severus. The guy just can't get a break. *sigh* Keep writing and keep smiling. :)
babyscardinal chapter 25 . 9/2/2009
I just finished the 25 chapters and it is a very interesting story and well written. I love how you incorporated these children into the story and have really made Severus open up emotionally. I is nice to see him is such a different light. I also enjoyed how you now have Harry being one of his greatest supporters and how they have forged a type of friendship.

The only thing I am having trouble with is how Hermione is acting these last chapter. After everything I just can't see how Hermione would not support Severus and automatically see him as guilty. It just seem like her character. It does make for some great drama because now you will have Severus never being able to forgive her and the complete loss of trust. It will be hard to have a semi happy ending for these two characters and keep it feeling real.

Great story though. Can't wait to continue reading on.
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