Reviews for Hosannas From the Basements of Hell
Beeria chapter 3 . 6/12/2007
Nice update :)

I loved the fight scenes though but I think they are really hard to write. I'm more the romance category rather than Action/Adventure lol

Well I know you're busy and all but hopefully I'll see an update soon :)

Le Pecore Nere chapter 3 . 6/11/2007
Cool, glad ya updated XD that makes me happy. I loved the chapter, the fight scenes were fluid and well done, I like the way you did them. Yes, fight scenes are hard to write, I've done one so far, and that's probably the hardest thing to try to capture besides romance. You did a very good job and don't take too long in updating there, okay?
Le Pecore Nere chapter 2 . 4/22/2007
so...the robed man is NOT working for that cult? i wonder about everything (to put it lightly). update soon!
Beeria chapter 2 . 4/22/2007
Whoopee! An update! :)

Hm, Avalanche targeted? It's strange but this idea isn't used all that often. I like it!
Le Pecore Nere chapter 1 . 4/20/2007
i do like the story, it's great. where's tifa, by the way? was she...on a business meeting if not inside?(lame question, but hey, where is she?) i know Hosanna means 'savior' so saviors from those tunnels of hell? anyway, it's good so far, not really a big fan of cleris, more a cloti fan, but i'll keep my options open. update soon
Beeria chapter 1 . 4/19/2007
Oh! Very interesting! xD

Well, I want Cloud/Aerith hee hee. Not enough out there. And this one is really well-done! I like the style!