Reviews for Neko no Kitsune
Luna chapter 4 . 4/16/2019
Naruto is too sweet and innocent For his own good
Sharpteeth chapter 14 . 10/21/2015
You better get naurto and sasuke together or I WILL EAT YOU just kidding.
TheCheshireKiller chapter 14 . 12/4/2014
Poor lil Naru, please continue ! I like it so far !
Keep up the good work !
Pikapixie The Demigod chapter 1 . 9/6/2013
trying to tell everyone i know/follow,faverit:

There is word of a new bill taking place, one that would end all copyright for good, and make it entirely illegal to write and post fan fiction. All you readers out there, this is very BAD. We have to stop this immedietly! Send letters, spread the word, start a freaking worldwide campaign, just do something! The current vote is five to one In favor of passing this bill!

All of you who love Pokemon, digimon, Percy Jackson, bakugan, soul eater, inuyasha, mortal instruments, naruto, anything, you would no longer be able to read fan fiction, post fan fiction, watch YouTube fan videos, watch singers on YouTube, watch or do anything that has to do with any of you favorite ANYTHING(yeah, that made sense. You know what I mean) we have to DO SOMETHING. as a writer, I violently oppose this, as it violates my right to write. Freaking Google and Bing would be half shut down, and wiki, because it has info on there that doesn't belong entirely to them!

There are so many of us. United states, united kingdom, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Greece. How many of us are there? A couple billion? More? Definatly more than half of the human population! If every one of us bands against these guys and brand them with the mark of Cain, protesting, do you think that they're going to oppose us? Petitions, posters, tell your school, tell your best friend, tell your fans, tell your dog, for heavens sake, just spread the word, and as a united family of book, movie, video game, manga, anime, poetry, and writing lovers, let's all together as a people put an end to this! The SOPA bill must be stopped!

A world without the freedom to write fan fiction? That's when they've gone too far. Never mess with an army of authors.
SnowCat21 chapter 14 . 7/21/2013
will you continue the story?
Unknown Person chapter 14 . 11/11/2012
I'm so sad that this cannot be continued.
fdddnps chapter 14 . 9/1/2011
PLEASE UPDATE! Pleeeaaassseee!
yayubaru1 chapter 14 . 3/13/2011
Natsume Kyuubi chapter 14 . 1/22/2011
plz update soon it is a good story but try to make them a little longer next time. very cute story. and poor naruto and bad gaara. wonder what sasuke gana do now.
NoLifeButLives chapter 14 . 1/14/2011
awesome story!

very interesting!

please continue! but from the looks of your last update, that wont be happening, and thats a pity... but hey, its your story! :)
One With No Name-OWNN chapter 14 . 7/4/2010
omg, what happens next! Does Gaara actually get Naruto prego?
KyouyaxCloud chapter 14 . 6/5/2010


i wanna sasuke the one who do that first!

update plizzz:)
KyouyaxCloud chapter 11 . 6/5/2010
ha5x poor sasuke he must explain it!
KyouyaxCloud chapter 4 . 6/5/2010
naru so naive:)

hiks hiks why his parents die!
airi1285 chapter 14 . 5/29/2010
This story is really cute ! I can't wait for the next chapter . Good work !
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