Reviews for Something Original, Something New
I chapter 8 . 7/23/2018
How interesting a Halloween and Christmas scene with Kari and Sora. :)

I see you start off with great ideas for Fanfiction Plots but lose the motivation when you mind moves on to next inspiration. But you know that is perfectly normal. :)

Thanks for finishing this one. ~ :)

I imagine Sora and Kairi have a kickass daughter with spiky red hair and blue eyes. With the powers of Christmas and Halloween combine. Ooooh so bad ass.
SoraxKairi7 chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
Haha this was actually kind of funny.

I was going through my super old reviews for "I Heart You" and I decided to see who was still writing. Looks like you still update fairly recently!
guest chapter 8 . 12/2/2012
update story best soraxkairi paring EVER;)
sora93kairi chapter 8 . 10/9/2011
sucks XD kairi couldn't keep the snake :P oh reply by looking up my user (sora93kairi) and messaging PLZZZZZZZZZZ and are you ending here or will you add some more chappy :D
xSapphireLightsx chapter 8 . 9/15/2010
Woo! finally a story on halloween Sora (i just love that little guy lol)

It was just awesome, having those pair being from seperate places and the adorable ending, not to mention Sora's happy attiude (often he's been dark in that role so it's nice to see a cheerful one).

Dude, I wonder how their kids would turn out, creepy adorable looking XD with bat wings!
Tetsudai-kun chapter 8 . 5/3/2010
wow it seems like a THE END to me it was amazing
Green Sea Blossom chapter 8 . 4/6/2010
This was a very a cute story! well done!
little stuffs chapter 8 . 3/29/2010
I love it!

Kairi screaming was funny!

Sora's even more adorable herE!

Too bad your ending it!

Still I love this!

It would be nice to see a riku involvement with Kairi and Jealous Sora!
wonderlandbomb chapter 8 . 3/12/2010
Aw, that was absolutely adorable. Good ending!
mosske chapter 8 . 3/6/2010
...Lovely. I was quite happy to find this had been updated when I was scrolling through my old reviews, looking for that marvelous orange update message. Quite frankly, I had thought that this was going to remain unfinished, and the idea made me sad. I'm glad to see I was wrong. Anyways.

As you mentioned there were some tense issues-which I ignored-and I didn't notice many grammatical ones; however, I may have been distracted by the overall wonder of this chapter. Your writing style is unique and lays the story out very well. If there is a next chapter, I'll be looking forward to it. If not, I'd be very happy just rereading the chapter when Sora asks if he can butter Kairi's toast.

Nice job.
Ruby C. Cullen chapter 7 . 3/3/2010
I love this story! Its my favorite one on this website! Please update soon!
Wings of Water - SKYE chapter 8 . 3/1/2010
AH! You're back! Or rather your story but I'm still excited. I adored this chapter even if the end was a little rushed. But if you feel satisfied with it then there's no need for another chapter, you should like what you've written and not have to write a half assed extra chapter. I thought when Sora was licking Kairi's cheek was really cute and the main action was a flashback.

wonderlandbomb chapter 4 . 2/21/2010
Aw. I can't wait to keep reading! Good job so far!
wonderlandbomb chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
True to the title, this is something new and original! Well, at least for me, anyway. It's been a while since I've read a SoraxKairi story because the plots seem to always be very similar to each other. It's nice that the one time I check up on SoKai, I find this story! I'm looking forward to reading the rest. :)
Midnight Hikari chapter 8 . 2/19/2010



Ho-ly crap. That was freaking awesome! The wait was worth it, I'm telling you. Sora and Kairi's situation was perfect and the ending. w

Update soon! Not once did I ever thought you abandoned this story. It's just simply too good!
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