Reviews for Escapade
Mreaca chapter 3 . 10/21/2012
Just found this story today and read it all. Awesome, awesome story.
I totally love how you've written Peter, a true king. Love the whole story!

Even though you've obviously stopped writing it, I thought I'd review to let you know that if you ever change your mind and continue you'll have at least one reader, me!
artgurl8D chapter 3 . 3/31/2011
hey! so i read this awhile back and then i remembered how good this was! and i wanted to leave u a review! i think your portrayal of peter is spot on. i think wou have shown how much he has changed since prince caspian and how this if affecting how he deals with the members of the fellowship (Boromir). I am honestly so excited about this idea and i think its great so far. are you gunna keep going? if you do, youll make a lot of ppl, and myself, very happy!

please continue :D
juli 8D1819 chapter 3 . 3/3/2011
I know It's been years since you updated

but it's an amazing story,truly
continue please chapter 3 . 2/7/2011
so i feel like ur doing an awesome job portraying peter after the events of prince caspian. this peter ur writing is a far more humble pater (who i believe learned his lesson) and i like how hes trying to be patient while dealing with boromir's attitude. most fan fics that are lotr/con have peter as a sulking, arrogant High king the Magnificent. this is a totally diff peter that is applying the lessons he learned. soooooo it would be awesome if u finished this. :D i think peter is a great character and i think u've done a great job so far.
hello there chapter 1 . 5/12/2010
im kinda upset u never updated this. i loved where it was going.
TheOneThatIsAddictedToHPfics chapter 3 . 2/6/2010
Adel Mortescryche chapter 3 . 1/27/2010
Interesting concept. I'm amazed that I never considered looking out for a CoN and LotR crossover, lol! I particularly like your description of Peter, and his interaction with Gimli and Aragorn. Any chance of the others turning up? By others, I mean Edmund, Susan or Lucy. I hope that you'll consider getting back to this story at some point. Looking forward to more!
Raine Haruto chapter 3 . 10/25/2009
there must be more than this! !
asdf chapter 3 . 10/11/2009
um...continuing this would be nice


haha, its a really good story! dont leave us at a cliffhanger
Grieving Warrior chapter 3 . 7/14/2009
This looks really interesting! I noticed it hadn't been updated in awhile though... Anyway, thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope to one day see more of it. Peter's always been my favorite.
Tree of Angels chapter 3 . 6/28/2009
This is great! Update soon!
LigerJager chapter 3 . 5/10/2009
I had despaired that this story had been only a one-shot and was thus resigned to that fate, however I find myself overjoyed with the discovery of two more chapters and the intention to continue.

Honestly I haven't found another LotR/Narnia crossover that has met with a standard anywhere near to yours. Thank you. I love and adore both series deeply and thank you for honoring them in such a manner. Every action and word, from Peter's point of view, is perfectly within character.

I love how you took one character and placed him in an adventure, sudden though it may be, in a land that is in dire need of his help, just like how it was when he first entered Narnia as well as during Caspian's adventure. I also appreciate that you are adding flashes of his wisdom and bits and pieces of his High King bearing througout, thus making him both mysterious and powerful, but not giving everything away so suddenly. You have pegged my type of adventure perfectly.

Also his referencing his background without being specific, it was a smart thing to do. He didn't lie, but he didn't spill his guts either.

I also love that of all the fellowship members, Gimli is the only one (besides Gandalf, I'm assuming) to firmly believe in Narnia. It seems both ironic and right. After all,there are dwarves in Narnia, so it's not far fetched at all. Also his comment about Narnia always popping up when Middle Earth is in trouble was hilarious to me, though it sounds about right (don't ask me why).

I was wondering though, will they find out (after the final battle or before) whether or not Peter is a high king? i doubt he would tell them voluntarily unless it's to help guide Aragorn in his decisions concerning what he will do (he does have a unique perspective after all). And will we be seeing Aslan? The Lion would be a treat and it seems like Aslan would only show up after the adventure is completed (or at the breaking of the fellowship to help guide peter in which direction he should go) to take the High King home.

I can't wait to find these out. I love how you referred to his siblings (especially ed) from his perspective. It just made his character seem that much more real to me.

once again, thank you for continuing this story and for making me very happy. (grins) I thought for a moment that I'd have to write one to try and match your excellence...

Eagerly awaiting your update!

jamester56 chapter 3 . 5/4/2009
Amazing! Update soon!
digging4more chapter 3 . 4/20/2009
I call for an update! haha. You are SO on my watch list.
crazybibliophile chapter 3 . 4/18/2009
wow, this is really good. I never thought of this kind of crossover but it's brilliant. Your characterisation, the character interactions, the plot, everything. :)
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