Reviews for Spaces in Time
Pergjithshme chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
This is really frickin' cute don't mind me over here
Quirkista chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
I absolutely adored this fic! I loved how protective he is of Haruhi!
oREosANdMilk chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
secessit chapter 1 . 4/11/2008
Why does this only have 8 reviews? (It'll be 9 after this one).

Honestly, your review count should be in the triple digits. Compared to what I've seen on this site, this is a very well written piece. It's sophisticated and has a kind of elegant quality to it, which I think, is hard to apply to when it comes to a manga like OHHC. But here, you managed it fantastically.

I love it.

KinKitsune01 chapter 1 . 10/12/2007
Sucked, you say? I beg to differ! I really had hoped you'd continue this on. I mean, it leaves people knawing at their teeth and stuff, wondering how the reunion of Hikaru and Haruhi after 3 years went! I REALLY want to know! ;_; Please...?
yuMeNami chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
Sakyh chapter 1 . 6/10/2007
GASP I READ YOUR STORY somewhere else, not on and I swore I thought I reviewed! GOMENASAI for not doing this sooner .

Well first of all I love the way its written. Each space in time is written out beautifully, flowing to from one to another. The anticipation between Hikaru and Haruhi which leads to the end is fabulous! Great way of portraying their relationship over time. *favs* Plase don't stop writing! Ever! Promise me!~

You deserve more reviews!

~Xia Tian
KiongErTz chapter 1 . 4/28/2007
nice story...

continue it will yah...

bleachluver chapter 1 . 4/20/2007
Hey, my name's Jessica. I doon't think u suck that much. But... I wanted 2 ask u, after haruhi n hikaru met, what happened? I'm so curious because they're my fav pair in ouran. Altough... I wouldn't really mind if it was Kaoru hehe... But! I would REALLY mind if it was either that idiot Tamaki Suoh or that cute Honey-senpai (Because they don't match, I guess). Well, guess that's all. E-mail me pliz! I don't have any friends in the internet... ;(
Sakuramsm chapter 1 . 4/9/2007
Hey good story!1

i loved it!

keep writing!
sakura sake chapter 1 . 4/9/2007
This was really good. I enjoyed it. & the ending made me crack a rather silly looking smile.

Great job on it. :]

Unknown lazy ass chapter 1 . 4/9/2007
Wow! I don’t usually review for fanfics I read but yours definitively caught my attention, and personally I must say your ending was kind of empty but at a second glance I really liked it! That one sentence seemed to sum it up in a neat matter and I am SO glad you didn’t do the romance over-board, I’ve seen a lot of fanfics but a lot of them make Hikaru WAY too bold and they tend to forget his childish behaviour. You seemed to keep that in mind and I can’t help but simply adore this story, it is really nicely set-up. I couldn’t tell at all that you haven’t written in a long time, cause this is some kick-ass stuff! What really struck out to me was the simile that you used with Haruhi and air. I thought you would do something really cheesy like saying ‘To Hikaru. Haruhi was air. Without her, he couldn’t live.’ or something along those lines but you did this mind-blowing statement with so much more depth! And I especially loved the fact that you made Haruhi conscious to the fact that she was indeed a girl and did have desires like everyone else, BUT the real golden high-light was the fact that she refused to be so open about it, that IS the Haruhi I know!

You did a fabulous job in keeping both of them in character, the only thing that you really lacked in this story was more colours. By colours I mean, you didn’t really include any other characters into the picture, a bit more of Kaoru’s alertness to his twin’s changes would’ve done the job well. Still without it, you’ve managed to make this story….umm…god too many words to describe it! Okay! I would say this is fantastic, wonderful, enchanting, thrilling, magnificent, and much more! I loved it!

Please keep up the good work!

-LaZy AsS