Reviews for Going another Way
bamba12 chapter 2 . 6/9
The problem with sentient angels is why then they would go about it so stupidly, going one by one and getting killed off one by one, like fucking lemmings off a cliff.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/31
This story is so well fleshed out
You should be very proud of what youve made
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30
This is amazing
This is the best shinji and rei fanfic ive ever read
I'm only sad its over
Guest chapter 44 . 5/27
I just finishes reading it. And I'm crying, not because its sad but because its over. The only problem with it being so long , is that I got so attached. No I'm sad its over. You truly have a gift. This was no mere fanfiction, it was a novel. It was a truly amazing experience and I thank you for giving me this and I hate you for making me feel sad that it's over(in kidding), so you probably got this before but you truly made a master piece. If you feel inclined you could make novels, this is a example as I would love it if this was a published book.

Thanks again for this journey I truly enjoyed it
Guest chapter 4 . 5/24
I can't say at all this is a fanfic... This is a novel and I love it
If it was.a book I would buy it
Deltajoshua12 chapter 1 . 4/26
Hey this is a interesting fanfic and I absolutely love this, may I please get the PDF version.
Ozula chapter 1 . 4/14
Nice story, I'd like that PDF please
Mr. HighGround chapter 44 . 3/3
I read the full history in less than a week, since I discovered it. All I can say is that I love it. You expanded the original plot, and filled some of the plot holes in the original. It looks like you took a big journey with it.
Also, I want the PDF version, if you can send me.
Alanplayz15 chapter 23 . 2/13
I really like your story and I'd like to request for the PDF version, if you still have it please respond and thank you in advance
Akasui chapter 1 . 1/27
I also like pdf file if you still have it.
LeoTravis10 chapter 44 . 1/6
One of the best Eva stories I ever read, such a great story being told! I would love to have the PDF if you still have it.
Nopeknight chapter 44 . 12/24/2019
Loved this story, been reading on my phone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Also I know you been asked a lot but can I get the pdf please
Zovens chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
Great story. pdf please.
frankjoeson chapter 28 . 10/13/2019

Guest chapter 2 . 7/29/2019
I know almost no one likes the wimpy, traumatized Shinji (though, isn't that the entire point of his character? His life sucks, he has no confidence, so he seeks escapism). But I thought the premise of this was that Gendo reacts to Yui's death differently, leading to a divergence from the canon plot. But here, Shinji's uncle plays a role in helping him overcome his massive trauma and abandonment issue without Gendo playing any role in it. Hell, you could've made it that Gendo was just a bit less of an asshole (raising him, but is emotionally distant) to achieve a similar effect.
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