Reviews for Behind These Eyes Of Mine
Marish89 chapter 4 . 4/10/2007
Wonderful chapters! Please update soon, can't wait to read more!
ibelieveinthegood87 chapter 4 . 4/3/2007
Wow, this story is so good. Your writing is really really impressive, and I love the story. By far one of the best fics. I've read. Keep it up, can't wait for the next chapter!
Clue Impaired chapter 4 . 4/2/2007
This is nice, not so much sex that everything else is overshadowed by it. Nice intelligent conversation. Have you noticed that there's not alot of humor on this site? It struck me as rather dreary. Want to help me lighten it up?
nicole812us chapter 4 . 4/2/2007
I think Elliot may have won round one but Olivia recovered very nicely. This sory reminds me of the show. These two having so much to say yet not gettign thier feelings out there. They need major couple counciling and they aren't even a couple. You've really done good in capturing these two crazies. Haha.
bloodymary2 chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
Ah, the talk they should have had back when 'Fault' happened. The slight shutting of a door they refused to aknowedge was there to begin with, making it all (the fighting the misunderstanding, the running) all for naught.

Amazing way you are handling this. Have you read "Come back to bed?" by Rozsa? I love how she deals with their 'situation' starting from BURNED... But your's was not afraid to incorporate Philly and Dependent into the mix (and man, oh man, does it complicate it all so deeply!) and I am really enjoying walking these hurt-full miles with them...

What happens now? Dying to know!
LivNel4ever chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
oh no! that's it! ack! not enough...way too short!
LivNel4ever chapter 3 . 4/1/2007
wow this is really good so far!
Pandora of Ithilien chapter 3 . 4/1/2007
holy shit. i didn't see that one coming, about kathy. and it was right on the money too. these two are on the verge of a double self-destruct. update soon!
kittt chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
poor liv! so sad. elliot, go to her! men!
aserene chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
oh that was a cruel spot to leave the chapter...yea sure its great for suspense...but that was still evil. ( I loved it!)

I'm glad Olivia is at least sober enough to realize what might happen if she lets Elliot take care of her. I don't think El has realized what she's even close to thinking. (he can be so dense)

Update soon!
KatieKat1690 chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
Oh man wow lol. Amazing chapter! This just gets better and better! The ending was awesome! I love this story! I cant wait to read more! Update soon!
kinseyjo chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
i'm so glad i'm not the only one who enjoys torturing them. makes the smut that much better when it happens. :) WHICH WILL BE SOON I HOPE. (hint hint) - great chapter again!
Kater85 chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
Cliff hangers are evil. Write quickly please!
girlNmaroon chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
hey again! ok, so my tendency is to talk way too much about my dog cooper...telling all these stories that can only possibly be funny to me! he is a 2yo miniature schanuzer btw!

i love this story bunches! its angsty, but its not melodramatic, ya know? like, it would fit into the show. and they should. because this whole going back to kathy, who the heck is pregnant thing sucks. a lot.

i'm so honored to be the first to r&r! i love it! i'm currently working on my own, long story too, so i know what's its like!

p.s. i've had a day long jag marathon today...yay for dvds!
castlelove1221 chapter 4 . 4/1/2007
aww..."you are my family" was such a sweet thing for elliot to say...too bad he seems to be in some really hot water with liv...hopefully they can work everything out! that was a really good chapter...looking forward to the next!
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