Reviews for Operation SEPARATION
numbah435spiritsong chapter 21 . 1/22
Hi! I really enjoyed reading this story, it’s been forever since I’ve read in the KND fandom. I love how the story flowed together, with the differing perspectives of Abby and Hoagie (and eventually Nigel and Rachel). It was an interesting read, and I loved the parallels! The plot was awesome as well. I wish there was more interaction between Abby and Hoagie, I love their friendship dynamic! Overall, this was a great story and I enjoyed it a lot!
Kotohime Haku chapter 21 . 8/5/2018
Oh man...your writing blows me away. The Spinachians vs Candy Pirates. The 2x5 dynamics. I'm absolutely in love with it. There's just so many things I wanna gush about this fic...!

The characters! You know the characters inside and out! Your characterization of them feels so genuine! The KND characters are already unique and quirky to begin with, and your writing really makes them shine and stand out! Their speech patterns are so distinct, it makes their dialogue interactions so much fun to read! Reading them is so much different than when listening and watching the show, it made me realize how unique their speech is to each character, and you did amazing at capturing their character.

It's so refreshing to read a fic that just focuses on...the present KND, you know? And even rarer that it shines on 2x5! I love the whole idea of this, using the Pirate vs. Spinachians conflict to their full potential, this exploration of Abby's inner mind and her own struggles, Hoagie discovering and philosophizing on the nature of life (Ch. 7 is one of my favorite chapters, you should philosophize more in your stories hehe ;P) and some nice Rachel and Nigel's almost like I'm seeing an entire spin-off series of KND. Or a movie. It's so interesting how contrasting the pirates and Spinachians are! The mood of each chapter that focused on both parties was one of my favorite moments. The quiet, green Spinachian chapters vs. the rowdy, red and blue candy pirates alternating just kept me wanting more! At the climax when they finally faced each other off, it was so satisfying.

And speaking of satisfying, the moment Abby, Hoagie and Nigel all faced each other was one of the best things I've ever read. I know you said the chapter stinks, but I actually thought it was the most intense, and most dramatic part of those three's relationship (i teared up in this chapter, it's also a fav of mine ;v;). Abby's screaming about how none of her teammates knew of her struggles was so...raw and honest. She worked herself to the bone and forgot how to let loose. And I love that in characters, and what I love about Abby that the cartoon didn't show more of. Hoagie was really timid, but he definitely learned a lot about working on what you love, and doing what you love for work, which, is something Abby definitely needed. By the epilogue Abby takes a break from being a leader, while Hoagie learns to think more for himself and stop being the "Numbuh Two man," which I thought was genius. They essentially possessed skills the others lacked and grew from it. You sure do know how to make the best of each character, huh? And then there's Nigel, the workaholic, trying to pull them back into the KND...he learned how to relax by the epilogue. I love the whole theme of work vs. break you tied into these three so's a perspective I've never considered to their relationship.

Also, not only did you make the Sector V come together, but also the Spinachians and the Candy Pirates. Long John Stupid and Amerigo. I cried. I was actually so mad at myself for not catching on sooner, but then I realized that you dropped hints along the way...ahh! It's like...all the tension that built up just...came out in tears. The final paragraph was so touching, so heartfelt, and so quiet. "...the feeble sobbing of a gigantic child, who had just found himself," applies to all the cast of this fic, and the message of KND. It's such a beautiful and sorrowful sentence. And the perfect sentence to end this amazing fic (not counting the epilogue yet!).

Ahhh I think I've rambled on enough...a solid story and with a solid conclusion. Every single word got me hooked, and every chapter just kept me going. I guess what I was really craving was just more depth to KND, instead of the endlessly popular fanfics of Sector V in their teenage/adult years. To be honest, I came in expecting more of 2/5 romantically, and was slightly, just slightly, disappointed to find out how sudden their conclusion came. But then I reread and thought about it, and realized that's just how Abby and Hoagie are. And you probably didn't really intend to portray them as romantic, but more...deeper than that? GAH I don't know how to explain, but I always saw the 2/5 dynamic as a more quiet, BFF and inspiring relationship. Hoagie who was always following around others, finally takes the initiative. Abby, who's been so stressed and weighed by her duties of leadership, finally takes a break...they inspired and support each other. I'm more than satisfied with how quietly you concluded their story. Same for Nigel and Rachel's conclusion. It feels so intimate and gentle, like...trying to be friends and hang out, and just being kids. After putting up their leader and work mode up for so long, seeing them put down their guard and just taking a break, feels...peaceful. Obviously it's an epilogue for a reason, but having such a peaceful and quiet conclusion after going through such a wild plot of colorful characters, crazy jumping of each scenes (which you handled fantastically!), and a rollercoaster of emotions...I'm very happy with the ending.

I'm done rambling! There's a lot more I wanna say but I'm afraid I'll end up repeating mylsef ahhh;; It's hard to concise everything and still make sense but aksdfhkgjh the past three days I spent reading Operation SEPARATION was so so so much fun. Your vision and perspective of KND really captures the spirit of KND; if you were one of the official writers to the show, us fans would probably be getting a lot more interesting character dynamics! You're a fantastic writer with a fun imagination, I hope you do continue to keep writing in the future! Operation SEPARATION is my numbuh one favorite fanfic ;v;
Guest chapter 21 . 12/22/2017
Write. You gotta gift, sister. Thanks for the story
Guest chapter 14 . 12/22/2017
Ch 14, if u watched op CARAMEL, he returned to evil DURING op caramel, that's why Numbuh 5 had to trust him at the start of thhe ep
Guest chapter 12 . 12/22/2017
I was reading chapter 12, and no offense, but Numbuhs 1-5 ARE sector V (Virginia)
rioludoodle chapter 21 . 7/9/2016
Every bit as good as I was hoping for. :) Great fic!
rioludoodle chapter 3 . 7/8/2016
I love how accurately every character's personality is portrayed! :) Also the fantastic amount of references to past episodes and the overall continuity of the show. Great story.
madier1095 chapter 21 . 3/24/2011
wow. That was awesome. I loved it! It was so good, and held my attention the whole time! I also looked at all your pictures. They were really good! This story is definetly goin' in my favs!
Alphawulf chapter 21 . 5/22/2010
...Are you sure didn't write this? it's just so in sync with how the T.V. show is, I could seriously imagine this being an actual episode. I love how you incorperated operation CARAMEL, GIRLFRIEND, and other episodes, it just made that much better. Everyone was so in charater, I could actually see them saying/doing everything in the story. It was just like a real episode.

Keep writing,

NinjaSheik chapter 21 . 2/13/2010

Man, I'm gald KND is back on TV. It makes people remember how much they love it, and now this section is getting updated more, even just a little. Maybe you should make another...

See ya!

Bioweapon 155 chapter 17 . 4/9/2009
In all the caos atop the wheel, numbuh 2 seems to be the only one whose logic is still working.

Bioweapon 155 chapter 21 . 4/9/2009
This is, by far, the best story I have read in a long time, Comrade!
bsc9999 chapter 21 . 7/24/2008
me loves. me really loves story. kewl. me loves.

all ive gotta say.
Parizadeh chapter 21 . 3/24/2008
I just reread this, and I wanted to say again that this is an excellent story, one of the best fanfics I've ever read. I was actually moved to tears at the ending.
Eric chapter 1 . 2/24/2008
This was very well done. I like how the feel of the show isn't sacrificed for the new story. And the characters feel original to the show, but it still feels fresh because of the new story. Anyway, keep up the good work!
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