Reviews for Not Sorry
Kil99 chapter 1 . 5/20/2015
Huh. Bulling Kaoru probably would be pretty fun. Cute in a way. Very cute, extremely cute. Exceeding the boundaries of cuteness. You've hurt my feelings, though. I had to reread this in order to catch everything I somehow missed. (Did my eyes skim past "foamy mouth met foamy mouth" or something? How could I do such a thing!? My eyes. I swear they've betrayed me.)

And so have my feelings (My feelings- they have also betrayed me). I should hate this story. I should hate seeing (or rather reading) my OTP like this. But I love this story so much. I don't know. It was well-written, and they were just so in-character! (Unless I have bad judgement or something.) Yeah, I just can't hate this story. The feels... they're all too real. I love it so much! x_x
cyberangle chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
you like to bully Kaoru? O_O
DarkHuntress01 chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
loved the ending! go kaoru!
Jayrin Paige chapter 1 . 8/15/2008
*cheers* go Kaoru! yeah! You kiss your older twin brother! Woo!
Bavita chapter 1 . 5/27/2007

Write another one. DO IT.

Come on... just for me!
Hello World 2Day chapter 1 . 5/9/2007
Yay for Kaoru's hearbroken-inspired revenge! D Hikaru and Kaoru should be together forever !_! Best twincest pairing ever XD You did a great job! I love the comparison of the mood to the rubber duckies in that one part. GENIUS! Who cares if it was only like a thousand words, it was still great _
Nasyki chapter 1 . 3/28/2007

...I don't get the end; at all.

Anyway! It was really cute and written well so it deserves a review from me.

. I would feel beter about the end if you could pm me and explain to me what it meant. _ I was slightly confused, and when I am confused, I feel stupid.

~Nasyki Ikysan
Kirah Ruth chapter 1 . 3/20/2007
*grumbles at you calling Kaoru a wussy pushover*

Ah, well. Whatever. Nice way to word the last sentence, by the way.
We Will Become Silhouettes chapter 1 . 3/19/2007
Why is this rated M?
00000000000000a chapter 1 . 3/17/2007
Jacof-alltrades chapter 1 . 3/17/2007
Wow, I really liked this, it was really good and I thought the way you wrote it was excilent.