Reviews for The Purple Potion
Crossy70 chapter 70 . 5/1
This was one hell of a story! I loved the mystery, the emotions, the rollercoaster of it all! Fab writing!
Guest chapter 32 . 1/14
Ron already owed harry he was gonna ask Hermione out and Ron told him he liked her and asked herry to step aside so when harry asked him to keep the secret that made them even harry gave them plenty of time he can see Hermione is not happy.
rachybaby chapter 69 . 12/31/2019
I’ve just spent the last few days reading your story. I loved it! I’ve always preferred Harry/Hermione and I loved your take on it. At first I was a little unsure, Hermione cheat?! But you made it really believable. I really like Andy and thought that she and Harry worked together brilliantly. The potion was such a great but disgusting idea! The recipe made me feel sick. Poor Frienze and Winky! You really had me going over who the Potion Master was, I honestly thought that Draco was too obvious and actually yelled at your story when you portrayed Neville as the bad guy.

This story is a great slow burn. Thanks for entertaining me from Boxing Day to New Year’s Eve 2019! I’m gonna read your other doc now. Happy New Year and good luck with your writing!
Guest chapter 10 . 12/13/2019
Harry and Hermione the oc...
HarmonyAlways63 chapter 49 . 9/11/2019
I’m so confused...I thought Harry knew that Hermione knew Roy was Harry? She basically told him that las night when he broke things off. It it really not click for him? And then he says he as Harry was going to ask her to choose after the game? And then Ron is just a straight up asshole! I was rooting for Hermione to run after Harry and leave the hit to his misery. But I know Hermione would never. If only...
HarmonyAlways63 chapter 47 . 9/10/2019
Motherforking Julius!
HarmonyAlways63 chapter 35 . 9/6/2019
I knew she took that motherforking phial!
HarmonyAlways63 chapter 26 . 9/2/2019
“A/N . I feel sorry for Ron but that usually doesn't last.” I’m dead. Lol.
suziq968 chapter 70 . 3/27/2019
This was amazing! I'm very happy with how it turned out and the fact that I actually got some guesses right. Really fun read with some seriously nail biting moments.
suziq968 chapter 50 . 3/27/2019
I am ridiculously proud that I realized that it was Ron and not Harry at the last Roy Hunt appearance, but it's probably due to your writing that I'd figured that out. I still keep thinking that Draco is the potion master and Narcissa is the mystery witch, which you've pretty much said is wrong in the AN's but at least I figured out about Ron's sneaky.
suziq968 chapter 57 . 3/27/2019
Okay, he's certifiable. I guess previous hatred tortureCrazyNeville.
suziq968 chapter 54 . 3/27/2019
Okay, I recognized Neville's initials, but I still can't see him as the potion master. Neville chopping Snape up, maybe, but Winky and Ragnok give me issues. There will have to be a huge reason, like schizophrenia huge.
suziq968 chapter 49 . 3/27/2019
In response to your AN on this chapter: as much as the angst is killing me, the mystery is almost as compelling so I read the whole chapter.
suziq968 chapter 1 . 3/25/2019
I just finished chapter three and it looks good so far, very interesting. I just needed to let you know that not everyone agrees with idiots like the guest reviewer who posted the very rude comments right before mine. Notice how said review has no name because it's so much easier to be a jerk anonymously.
Girlscout chapter 69 . 3/12/2019
I'm sorry but i found this story DISGUSTING and jumped from chapter 3 to the end.
I wanted to puke in the first chapter.
Harry is disgusting in this story!
You destroyed everything for me in mere 3 chapters!
I'll NEVER read one of your stories AGAIN or i'll just vomit my lunch.
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