Reviews for A Path Not Taken
Chandrakanta chapter 33 . 1/8/2016
I read this story on Symbiotica but figured I should leave a review here as well. I've enjoyed what I read so far and hope that you will eventually come back and finish the story!
Ahsli-Ahni chapter 33 . 7/22/2014
Will there be more chapters or a sequel to this story, I am really enjoying it!?
Mystic Archer Horse chapter 33 . 6/18/2014
Hey, sorry I have not been reviewing. The only source of internet i have is my mobile phone. It took be a bit to figure out I could review. I do look forward to reading more if you have not stopped working on this story.
Cdoctor chapter 33 . 8/8/2013
Cool chapter! Yeah for you writing/posting again! Loved the chapter. XD
Wynnara chapter 33 . 8/6/2013
I loved reading the chapter!Even with the dreaded cliff hanger!I look forward to finding out what it was they found out when examining Delek.
Treva Rea chapter 33 . 8/2/2013
I've really enjoyed this fic. Very well written, with a few grammatical errors/word choices, but mostly a clean read.

I avoided this fic because of the multiple pairings, but gave it a chance finally and have read all of the chapters in the last three days. I really like and am anxious to see what you do with this next.

Thank you!
Treva Rea
mmkbrook chapter 33 . 7/31/2013
Enjoyed update, and the settlement of which Tok'ra will be coming to the SGC. Wonder which Goauld is behind this zatarc brainwashing. My thoughts are that it is Ba'al, though it could be Anubis.

Enjoyed update, and hope the blending of Martouf and Lantash as well as the marriage of Sam/Char will take place soon.
Cdoctor chapter 32 . 4/24/2013
Awesome! Loved this new chapter! I did not notice any mistakes! Char is awesome, S/C/M/L forever!
mmkbrook chapter 32 . 4/22/2013
Very enjoyable read. Glad that you are so much better. While reading this I had the thought that maybe behind all this was a Gouald- the bad kind. Agree with S/C that it is best not to divulge that S/C is a Queen, but am wondering how anxious they are to spawn.
Wynnara chapter 32 . 4/21/2013
I enjoyed reading the chapter and thought it was very good.I had to laugh when I read the end and what Sam/Char said and did to Martouf/Lantash as they went back to the conference room!I look forward to the next chapter and I am glad you are feeling better.
clemento05113 chapter 31 . 4/8/2013
i sure would like a update soon this by far is the best story with samantha carter blended with a symbiote should be updated way more often if possible! good luck and looking forward to future of this stotying!
Cdoctor chapter 31 . 12/29/2012
Cool chapter! Charesh is awesome as ever!
Wynnara chapter 31 . 12/29/2012
I thank you for a very good chapter!I enjoyed reading every word!Do not worry about how frequently you can write more,just take care of , I thank you for a very good story.
dpdp chapter 30 . 12/27/2012
Take care. Hope you are enjoying the holidays. To a happy and safe new year.
Talia's Rolan chapter 30 . 12/27/2012
Good luck and Goddess bless
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