Reviews for Cogito Ergo Sum
LabEmerald chapter 20 . 7/2/2011
I loved the Mindy and Mandy one. But I am just all for that weird couple. Heehee. And I also like the Eris and Mandy...sorry I just see Mandy as a girl's woman. XD
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/21/2010
Number 100! No pairings this time, though I've got a ton of ideas. Just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your short "drabbles"! There is a poetic uniqueness about your style that I cannot possibly duplicate. Did enjoy trying, though! I realize there's that possibility that you will never read these reviews since your story was completed three years ago, but as you are still writing, maybe you'll notice that some idiot added another 38 reviews to the column! I don't know the system well enough to submit anything, and now I'm hearing about a lot of complaints from other writers. I may end up submitting on a different fanfic site. I'm sure we'll cross paths sooner or later, as you seem to be quite a prolific writer. Forty-four stories? Yikes! I take my leave of you.

To paraphrase a scene from the "Dark Crystal", "We shall meet again in another story, but never again in this one." Sincerely, BlueShift5
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/21/2010
Number 99! BillyxMandy Billy's payback!

The blonde child sat motionless as her long-time friend approached her brandishing a huge knife, drool dripping off the corners of his mouth. "Why is he taking so long?" she thinks. She can't stand it anymore. She closes her eyes and says coldly, "Will you please hurry and get it over with?" "I likes pie!"

What? She's waiting for a piece, but Billy's taking his time! You thought maybe...? I borrowed the idea from Mrs. Doolin, when she pulled out a knife to cut a melon for Mandy!
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/21/2010
Number 98! GrimxEris Just 'cause you "adore" this pairing, I thought I'd give it a whack!

Eris didn't have many friends. When your life's work is cooking up trouble, you inevitably rub a lot of people the wrong way. She was beautiful, a goddess, but even her fellow gods avoided her like the plague. She had recently befriended Mandy, only because of their mutual desire to spread misery among humanity. She could count all her real friends on one finger, and so she moped on the shore of her favorite lake. A boney hand proffered a flower, a white rose. "Happy birthday, Eris!" "You knew?" "Always have!" he said as he sat down next to her. She placed her head on his shoulder as a tear rolled down her cheek. Now she could count on two fingers.

In the Rider-Waite tarot deck, Death flies a black banner with a white rose at its center. It symbolizes renewal and rebirth. Fitting, don't ya think?
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/20/2010
Number 97!

It had been a thousand years since she last made love to anyone, and being locked away in her cursed lunchbox for a few more, certainly did nothing to help the situation. Mindy wasn't surprised when Dora approached her on the pretext of getting..."reacquainted!" She looked forward to it. She laughed to herself as she watched Dora anxiously, almost nervously, trying to remove her clothes. She couldn't wait to get her hands on that luscious, olive-skinned body. She teased Dora seductively. "You weren't very nice to me when we first met. Tell me again why we're doing this!" "Um...because I'm paying you?" "Oh...right."

This is the last slash! I promise! "Ho, ho, ho, Mindy, you've been a naughty girl!" (And it's not even Xmas!)
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/20/2010
Number 96!

He might have been considered dense by those that knew him, but he was always in thought. He stroked his chin with mechanical fingers as he contemplated his companion. "You remind me of a chocolate sailor I had once, when I was younger. He was...cream filled!" "Well, you're with me now! Better get over him, yo!" HossxIrwin

Had enough slash? I must admit, I don't think I have your quality and probably won't live up to your expectations anyway. Just want you to see that "100" in the review column!
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/20/2010
This should make ninety-five!

"Remember Fifi, No one is to know about this!" "Arf!" Nigel PlanterxDean Toadblatt's dog!

Aw c'mon! We all heard him say it!
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/20/2010
Counting down to one hundred!

"I'm not ugly! Whadda you bitches know?" The large girl left the restroom with tears in her eyes. "Aww! You're not ugly!" said the boy in the red baseball cap, "You just needs a little make-up, s'all!" "Really? You think so?" "Sure! And maybe wax that upper lip of yours, and shave your legs!" he said as he took her by the hand. "I knows someone who can help!" The large girl wiped away her tears and began to smile!

Pairing? BillyxSperg (when he was turned into a girl in the "Wish Bones" episode!)
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/20/2010
Your drabbles are kinda addicting.

"Where am I?" "You're safe. It was snowing. I brought you in here." "I feel strange." "How so?" "Like a weight has been lifted from me." "Near death experiences can do that to you." "You're so warm, so soft." the little blonde said as she began to stroke his fur. The creature was touched. Something stirred within his heart, and he felt a twinge of guilt. "I'm sorry I dropped the bell tower on you!" MandyxAbom (the abominable snowman!) Bet you didn't expect this one!
BlueShift5 chapter 30 . 9/20/2010
So...does this mean it's all over for Sasquatch? Yahoo! I'm done! Thirty reviews! I did promise to bring it up to a hundred, but that doesn't mean they'll be reviews per se! Just more ideas for pairings that you may not have thought of!!

The young man with the glasses sat dejectedly on the park bench. "Think I don't know what it means to be labeled a 'loser'?" "Welcome to the club, son!" sighed the dark gentleman. "Every girl I meet disses me!" "Ah, unrequited love! I know that feeling all to well!" the dark gentleman nodded in agreement. The young man takes a swig from the paper bag, and passes it over. "Wonder if it's different with guys." The dark gentleman brushes the hair from the young man's forehead, revealing an "L" shaped scar. "Care to find out?" he says as an electrified tentacle reaches for the bottle, "Cheers!" NergalxNigel if you haven't figured it yet!
BlueShift5 chapter 29 . 9/20/2010
You have a lot of sides about you. Once dark and brooding, another light and airy, fluffy at times, then heavy and hard as stone. Me, I'm a sci-fi, action/adventure kinda guy. As Mandy said, "Love is for the weak-minded!" It's good to be adaptable, though. I've written some stuff that brings tears to my eyes! (I'm not EMO!) I can tell by this last chapter you have a touch of romance in you, not surprising since your anthology here is designated a romance, ups, downs and everything inbetween. Ambrose Bierce called love "an insanity, treatable by marriage." You must be older than you seem, because no amount of reading can actually prepare you for love. Ya gotta have to experience it, and it shows in your writing! Sorry, I'm going psychic on you, again! One more chapter left! :)
BlueShift5 chapter 28 . 9/20/2010
You do come up with some winners, I'll grant you that! I've got three more chapters to review, then I'm done! I think I like your slash's opened my eyes to different viewpoints. I promise to read some of your more recent works later. :)
BlueShift5 chapter 27 . 9/19/2010
Found a typo in your story ("way" instead of "why", fourth line)! Guess that proves it. You are human after all!
BlueShift5 chapter 26 . 9/19/2010
As Harold left for work and Billy shuffled himself off to school, Gladys reached up into the cabinet to grab a bottle of whiskey, then went upstairs. She stares at the little black book in her hand, sighs, then lifts the bottle to her lips. She thumbs through the pages until she finds a name and a number. Sasquatch...

You started it!
BlueShift5 chapter 25 . 9/19/2010
That's sort of defined their relationship throughout the series, and probably what made it fun to watch.
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