Reviews for Incorrigible
WritingRin chapter 4 . 7/16
Oh that was cute!
LimitedEternity chapter 5 . 1/29
Ahahaha the legendary pervert has a method to his madness!
KShadeslady chapter 21 . 2/21/2019
These were all so sweet and clever. You really are a master at charming your readers.
KShadeslady chapter 17 . 2/21/2019
LMBO! Yeah he’s got that down!
KShadeslady chapter 13 . 2/20/2019
Giggle...I knew that was coming. Sweet!
KShadeslady chapter 7 . 2/18/2019
That was sweet!
KShadeslady chapter 5 . 2/18/2019
Giggle...snort! Yep! So Miroku!
KShadeslady chapter 3 . 2/18/2019
Kamis! I do love Miroku!
KShadeslady chapter 2 . 2/18/2019
Pile on the fluff! The more the better! I never get tired of that!
KShadeslady chapter 1 . 2/18/2019
Samiris chapter 21 . 4/14/2018
I love it!
Pillowchan87 chapter 5 . 1/18/2018
I saw the ending coming but I still loved it!
sovandeprins chapter 20 . 6/30/2017
In reality, so little happened story wise. But development was shown. Miroku realize that although he is testing his luck in 'winning kagome over', he also learns that his intentions go deeper than that. He understands why he adress her the way he does, compared to other women and even Sango. And its not just because she is a priestess.

We Also got to peek into Kagome's thought, somewhat. Although her earlier behaviour with him is somewhat cautious and playful, she grows into it and probably learns a little more about herself in the process. I can only imagine the many subjects of thought that went through her mind during those quiet moments of digging. Regret, worry, understanding, relating, coming to terms... I suppose.

Again, I Love the small little details in this (and your writing over all). The fact that Miroku didnt just pull her close to him, but he thought of why he would want to do so and what it would gain him, how to play it through and respond if she reacts badly and so on and so fourth.

I dont want to ramble on but... idk message me if you wanna talk about MirKag in general.

Thank you for writing.
sovandeprins chapter 19 . 6/30/2017
Very, very sweet. I have to admit... I admire the little details in how Miroku adress Kagome. He waits for her to give him the clear (to sit with her by the river), takes care not to touch her when he asks if she needs help (however awkward that couldve been) and he means in when he exposes her potential lie... Its the little things that warms my heart with these two, and of course your wonderful writing.

Thank you, yet again, for writing.
sovandeprins chapter 15 . 6/30/2017
Where do I even begin. I will now forever see hand-holding as a symbol for MirKag. And also, wonderful writing as usual Ms. Forthright!

I (and many others) have always thiught your writing is wonderful. I am guilty of this myself, but a lot of fan authours over-describe scenes in their writing. You dont and I can still get a clear picture of whats going on in the story. (Although I have to Google what some words mean, as english isnt my first language so some of the less common words are harder to remember and identify.)

Love the pairing. I want to write for Miroku and Kagome forever from now. I want to draw them and watch them and read them and all that good stuff. Sucks that they arent a more popular pair... oh well.

Thank you for writing.
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