Reviews for Cherished
Alcantis chapter 14 . 3/11/2018
Their relationship reminds me of Cloti. Just expressive and more relaxed characters XD
TeriyakiGirlz chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
Very good man,continue to read yer stuff
bluetinkerbell chapter 14 . 1/27/2009
you totally proved to me that my mind is really, really dirty.

...i thought they were talking about condoms. LOL well, safe sex is always good too haha

but amazing yet again :D
Zaz9-zaa0 chapter 14 . 1/25/2009
Well, Vaan, methinks this is Penelo's form of payback for all those silly video games you waste your gil on. ;D XD
Bananas chapter 13 . 7/28/2008
Gah! These are all so awesome! 'Specially 'Angel in Battle' and 'That Girl is Dangerous'. I loved those so much. All were incredibly rockin'. (Had to say it, xD)

Poor Vaan is so awkwardly cute and so easy to insult. (I know, I've done it in almost all mine as well.)

Plus, this couple is my absolute favorite of the entire game, but it doesn't get anywhere near enough love.

I love your writing and how you can have all these wildly different ideas that you can still see happening. It's really very impressive and incredibly enjoyable. _
Qwi-Xux chapter 13 . 7/17/2008
These are so wonderful! You've done an amazing job. You captured so much of what I love about Vaan and Penelo's relationship, in so many different ways. Through the different chapters, there were so many things that stood out to me. I loved Penelo wanting to dance in the snow, and dragging Vaan to do it with her. I loved the mention of Vaan's 'angel in battle,' when he would never forget the first time she was hit and she fell, and that after that, he always took her hits when he could. Really, that is so Vaan to me (when I played as Vaan, I always found myself moving to try to get between Penelo and fiends. LOL). Loved Vaan telling Penelo he could help her with her dreams of having a family. I adored the lullaby that Reks used to sing her, and then Vaan took it up afterward...that had me teary-eyed. Then, followed by one that made my heart want to break, because Vaan's heart was with someone else. :( I especially loved the Vaan introspection on how he was thinking that Penelo would never admit that she needed him, but that when she finally broke beyond recognition, he would be there for her. It really showed a lot of a part of Penelo that doesn't get hit on very often.

I think my favorite was the 'boyfriend' prompt; it was so sweet. Vaan being all protective, Penelo being all upset, and Vaan healing her and offering to hug her. Aw!

The last one made me laugh so hard. Penelo singing Natasha Bedingfield. *cracks up*

These are really fantastic. Thanks for sharing them! :D
fantasyblade88 chapter 13 . 7/13/2008
Haha lol, that was nice and pleasent xD Keep the updates coming ;D
Zaz9-zaa0 chapter 13 . 7/13/2008
Oh Vaan, for all your adorkableness, your comments are totally lulzworthy! XD

(And cheer up, Penny; at least Natasha Bedingfield -or at least her songs, somehow- exist in Ivalice! ;D)
Krabby Patties chapter 12 . 7/7/2008
Hahaha. Great little chapter. ]

Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies,

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Cheryl chapter 12 . 7/3/2008
hahahhaha wow, i like this chapter, good job! it was funny
Zaz9-zaa0 chapter 12 . 7/1/2008
Laughing Basch WIN! XD

But hey, I praise you greatly for pulling off the gang in the midst of sports; highlighting another thing that Penelo can turn lethal (aside from cooking and shopping ;D), how Balthier loves jumping at any excuse for Vaan to be maimed, and how Vaan is prone to be maimed in any way... All with the commentary of Ashe and Fran. XP
fantasyblade88 chapter 12 . 6/30/2008
LOL, such a random and interesting fanfic this time around xD It's been so long since you update, you really ought to update more often ya kno
Nascense chapter 12 . 6/29/2008
This series is very adorable. I haven't seen many FFXII fanfictions that I like... your's is definitely an exception. I love this, and hope you keep writing it.
bluetinkerbell chapter 11 . 3/4/2008
Okay, this one has been my fave so far. It has girl power, couple power, a mushy moment, cute moments and...YAY!

Just good enough for me to procrastinate with haha
Zaz9-zaa0 chapter 11 . 3/3/2008
Aww, at least Penelo found a guy who wasn't a jerk in the end... :)

I love the way you played out the events, though; especially with giving him the adorably anxious, nail-biting sense of worry and concern for Penny! :D
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